The Korea Creative Content Agency has provided various services to help Korean content advance into the global market. In particular, it offers many valuable services through Welcon ( ), but many indie game developers are often unaware of it due to limited access to information.

It is not common for indie game developers to proceed with global contracts, and it is difficult for indie developers to focus solely on development and launching, so this type of global consulting service may feel somewhat distant to indie developers.
However, suppose your game has achieved specific organic downloads globally. In that case, you can quickly receive many emails through email or LinkedIn (especially from China, the Middle East, etc.) saying, “I am a global game publisher who has achieved a lot and is interested in your game.”
However, indie game developers do not need to be too concerned about the frequent contacts from overseas publishers via email. Most publishers who randomly send emails and collect games easily collect games and use them as their pool.
If you’re an indie game developer focused on developing a single title, you probably don’t want your precious game to be just one of many that a publisher collects and pools.
But on the other hand, the stubborn path of genre developers who say, “My game is too precious to give to anyone. I don’t need communication, and I will go my own way even if no one recognizes me” should of course,, be respected. Still, I am somewhat negative about game development, which is tightly blocked and closed.
The important thing is that indie game developers should communicate with a network of proven and reliable game developers as much as possible. This is the best way to reduce trial and error and develop your game step by step.
Therefore, it is necessary to actively utilize the verified network through various programs that support K-indie games, such as the Global Indie Game Development Competition ( GIGDC ), BIC Festival , Indie Game Craft the Festa , Burning Beaver , Banggu Seok Indie Game Show (BICS) , IndieGo , Out of Index (OOI) , and Indieple Seminar.
In addition, the various services Welcon provides are also beneficial to indie game developers. In particular, the overseas expansion consulting provided by Welcon allows for various direct consultations with multiple experts in the field. Expert review and advice are necessary when proceeding with global expansion and contracts.
“Many game companies that are performing well in Google’s top sales charts, including large corporations, are using Welcon’s overseas expansion consulting, and because multiple connection consultations are possible, there are many cases where we have provided practical support related to particular overseas expansion, contracts, and localization (e.g. local research methods, naming, etc.),” explained Professor Jeong Moo-sik (Game and Film Department, Gachon University), who has served as a KOCCA overseas expansion consulting committee member for many years.
However, somewhat complicated procedures such as membership registration and logging in are required for application.

Of course, indie game developers may not need to use consulting services or receive help right away. Still, consulting services can significantly help by having an expert review before essential checkpoints, toxicity clauses, contract termination, and copyright and distribution rights protection clauses when preparing for an overseas market launch or signing a contract.
In addition, Welcon’s FAQ on overseas expansion is also helpful for indie game developers.
Lastly, basic forms for overseas export contracts have also been prepared so interested indie game developers can refer to them.

Global is not the end, but the beginning. Recently, many idle games have been achieving success mainly through domestic services, and many indie game developers have no choice but to focus only on domestic services for idle games. However, indie game developers must establish a strategy to achieve more success through global services centered on North America with the genre of games in which they are most confident.
A more straightforward strategy and approach is necessary when expanding services to significant game sales countries (Japan, Taiwan, etc.). Now, global is essential for indie, too! Therefore, we hope that indie game developers will use the KOCCA Welcon service more and become a stepping stone for K-indie games to advance into the global market.
#Indie is the hope of Korean games