Native app market One Store (CEO Park Tae-young) announced that it will significantly strengthen the benefits of its ‘Beta Game Zone’, which supports beta testing by developers, and take an active role in supporting small and medium-sized developers, marking the 10th anniversary of its operation.
Starting this year, One Store will provide SingleTap™ advertising services worth 20 million won when a game selected as an excellent beta game is officially released. In addition, when One Store’s in-app advertising monetization platform, ONE AdMax, is applied, an additional 10 million won worth of advertising services will be provided.
SingleTap is an advertising product that allows you to install games and apps with one click without going through the app market, and it provides an innovatively improved user experience compared to general app installation ads. It is a method that can dramatically minimize user churn and increase installation rates compared to the general advertising path where you have to click on the ad to go to the app market and install the app by pressing the button directly. OneAdMax is a supplier advertising media platform (SSP, Supply Side Platform) operated by One Store that helps developers maximize their advertising revenue.
Additionally, One Store will actively support marketing by introducing the selected excellent beta games as recommended games in the ‘Game Magazine’ provided within the One Store app.
Since 2016, One Store has been operating the Beta Game Zone to help small and medium-sized developers communicate with users and increase the completeness and recognition of their games. As of now, a total of 325 developers have participated, and a total of 453 titles have undergone beta testing. The cumulative number of downloads through the Beta Game Zone is approximately 580,000. Many hit games, such as Mir 4 (Wemade) and Guihon M (Mgame), have made their names known to users through this zone and have been successfully officially launched.
Park Tae-young, CEO of One Store, said, “For about 10 years, the Beta Game Zone has served as an incubator where developers can communicate directly with users and improve the perfection of their games, going beyond a simple testing space.” He added, “We plan to continue to provide multi-faceted support so that small and medium-sized developers can launch their games in a more stable environment and successfully settle into the market.”
Meanwhile, One Store is also operating a separate program for indie developers called ‘Indie Game Zone’. Through Indie Game Zone, a total of 366 titles have been introduced as of 2016, contributing to the creation of a sustainable game ecosystem.