The Ulsan Information Industry Promotion Agency announced it will promote the ‘2024 Ulsan Game Content Enhancement Support’ project to foster the Ulsan region-based game industry. Through this project, which selects around five companies and supports up to 40 million won per company, it is possible to add game content. Still, it cannot be used to produce additional business resources such as video production or FGT.
In particular, due to the nature of indie game developers who find it difficult to be selected for projects based on enormous competition, such as the KOCCA headquarters project, there is a need to secure various business costs or reduce budgets such as advancement and test support projects by actively challenging various regional support projects. Officials are providing advice.

Support is available only to registered game production companies (at least 3 people, including a representative; proof of residence required) whose headquarters or branch office is in Ulsan and have game content that was released less than 1 year ago or has not been released as of the announcement date.

Go to the 2024 Ulsan Game Content Enhancement Employee Project page >>
In addition, the Ulsan Global Game Center has selected up to four companies among the games scheduled to be released in the second half of 2024. It is recruiting participating companies to support FGT with about 40 testers until June 25. For more information, visit the Ulsan Global Game Center website. It can be checked through