◈ Story-oriented soul survival action RPG ‘Quest Soul’ ◈
- Genre: Survival Action RPG
- Platform: PC Windows
- Creator: J&G Soft
- Trial Download: Shortcut
- Tumblbug Funding Page: Shortcut
‘Quest Soul’ is a game that requires a relatively high level of difficulty that combines the characteristics of soul and survival. Gamers must survive by parrying, dodging, and charging attacks against approaching enemies. However, for gamers who do not like complicated controls, it is noteworthy that it is configured so that a total of 4 difficulty levels can be selected. Of course, you should choose a higher difficulty level for more rewards.
The game contains fun elements such as skill point collection and growth system, quests, and strengthening through items.
J&G Soft, an indie game team developing ‘Quest Soul’ with two developers, said, “We decided to proceed with crowdfunding for labor costs, additional content production, asset purchase, outsourcing service, deliberation, and purchase of development kits for other platforms.” I tried to emphasize the fun of the like, the pretty girl, and most of all, the ‘taste’ of the game.”
‘Quest Soul’ is in the middle of final development with the goal of Steam Early Access in September 2023 and plans to release it in December officially.
◈ The secret behind the moon, the game ‘Cheese Moon’ ◈
- Genre: Survival Action RPG
- Platform: Mobile, PC Windows
- Creator: Studio Sort
- Tumblbug Funding Page: Shortcut
‘Cheese Moon’ is a stage adventure game aiming for simultaneous release on PC platforms such as mobile and Steam. Up to 5 rabbits can be registered, clones of registered rabbits can be summoned, or skills can be used. Gamers aim to call rabbit clones and clear each stage within limited conditions.
The game has five worlds with 20 stages, and 100 sets are prepared. Each of the main character rabbits has different skills and abilities, so you must clear the stage wisely through an appropriate combination. The development team says they will not set the game’s difficulty very high.
This crowdfunding started for administrative processing such as App Store registration, outsourcing of background music, purchase of Unity assets, development space, translation, and labor costs.
◈ Crossing the Rainbow Bridge to the ‘Reincarnation Star’ ◈

- Genre: Side-scrolling Running
- Platform: Mobile
- Creator: Next Level
- Tumblbug Funding Site: Shortcut
Pixel Graphics’ side-scrolling running game ‘Reincarnation Star’, developed by the indie game team NEXT LEVEL, is an eye-catching work with a unique concept based on the reincarnation of companion animals.
‘Reincarnation Star’ was developed to empathize with ‘Pet Loss Syndrome’, such as sadness, guilt, and sense of loss experienced from parting with a companion animal, and conveying comfort through game contents.
The game contains the journey to the reincarnation planet by crossing the rainbow bridge of each stage composed of various themes through the main characters, such as dogs, cats, and hamsters. Gamers must control their feelings to avoid obstacles, acquire items, and collect reincarnation stones to solve stages.
About 60% of the entire ‘Reincarnation Star’ process has been produced, essential functions have been implemented, and additional stages and stories for each theme are in progress. In addition, the amount raised through this crowdfunding will be used for labor costs, goods production, server usage fees, store registration fees, and studio rental.