Inquiries from indie game developers about ‘2023 Indiecraft’, a global indie game festival that will heat up in May 2023, continue.

As ‘2023 Indiecraft’ is the first event to start over from the threat of Corona 19, we are preparing various parts for indie game developers. First of all, in 2022, an online exhibition using Metaverse was held for two consecutive years, attracting about 20,000 visitors. 2023 Indiecraft is expected to become a space where domestic and foreign game industry officials can meet excellent indie game content more easily and in more detail through an offline exhibition space again three years after 2019.

A plan to participate in the metaverse is also prepared. Through the Metaverse Zone, you can watch the global conference live, and you can look around the Gallery Zone, where you can see games from developers participating in the exhibition through a permanent operation. The introduction of a ‘global conference’ specialized in B2B is also new.

In addition to the indie game exhibition, lectures will be prepared for all game developers, including selected developers, prospective game developers visiting the event, and veteran game developers. We plan to invite experts from various fields such as marketing, game development, engine, investment, and operation, which are the fields that small and medium-sized indie game developers want to know the most and organize lectures.

The field of commercialization support has become more diverse and subdivided. In 2022, a total of 400 million won worth of commercialization support (voucher) for developers, including 15 companies entering the global market, 15 cases linked to investment publishing, and 69 employment increases, was abundantly filled with support for commercialization linked to sponsors. 2023 Indiecraft has grown even bigger. Support for indie game developers worth a total of 500 million won, including the provision of exhibition booths, will be provided.

In particular, the ‘ALL in ONE’ commercialization package customized for indie games provided through the first commercialization support is noteworthy. As there are many cases where excellent games are developed, marketing methods are missed, and good games do not stand out, we promote the content of around 5 to 6 selected developers. Details will be introduced at a later business briefing session for selected developers. In addition, support for commercialization linked to newly participating sponsors is expected to be filled in various ways.

In addition, communication methods such as Diagnosis Networking Day and Community Day will be expanded. Diagnosis Networking Day and Diagnosis Mentoring were one of the most satisfying support projects for participating developers and mentors, with approximately 200 sessions achieved in 2022. Regarding questions about indie game development, favorable comments continued, such as finding a new way forward through emotional help as well as technical aspects to mentors who were seniors.

This year, we plan to strengthen global mentoring through these advantages, broaden the scope of communication, and support it as a cornerstone for global advancement. In addition, an online and offline form of ‘Community Day’ will be newly established to provide opportunities for participating developers to communicate with each other so that they can seize various opportunities through Indiecraft.

Chairman Hwang Seong-ik said, “2023 Indiecraft is preparing for global expansion and ultimately the development of the Korean game industry by selecting excellent indie game developers and excellent game content using all the past Indiecraft events as teachers. We are preparing a lot of things so that we can show improvement every year, so we ask for a lot of participation from indie game developers.”

Meanwhile, ‘2023 Indiecraft’, hosted by Seongnam City and co-hosted by Seongnam Industry Promotion Agency (President Ryu Hae-pil) and Korea Mobile Game Association (Chairman Hwang Seong-ik), discovers Korea’s excellent indie game content and supports the global game industry by supporting sustainable commercialization. It is an indie game exhibition started to foster innovative games that will lead.

The more you look at it, the more you look at it; the new global indie game festival, ‘2023 Indiecraft’, can apply for entries through the Google form until April 12 (Wednesday) at 7 pm. As inquiries about the exhibition continue, it has become important to apply according to the deadline. News related to the recruitment of entries, notices for entries, and other submission forms can be checked and downloaded from the meeting site Onoffmix and can also be found by searching for ‘Indicraft’ in the search bar.

Inquiries regarding other sponsorships and events can be made through the Korea Mobile Game Association.

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We will create the future of Korean indie games for the global No.1 game powerhouse. #Since2003