‘City’ is a game developed by ‘Studio Duldy’, which consists of three developers, and is a game that contains a lot of charm from the developer who worked hard to create a unique and bizarre game through 2D graphics. ‘City’ is a mystery adventure game that has been planned with a story development of a total of 4 chapters.

At the start of the game, the player progresses through four stories through four main characters. In the ‘city’, a pure white space where everything is neatly arranged, but there is a strange atmosphere, you are faced with four disasters that are approaching one after another. What happened to this city?

“This city is eating people’s minds.”

Naro: The leader of the protesters who runs a private welfare center and a secret base of operations underground. One morning all the people at the base disappear and the base is submerged in water. Naro loses consciousness in the water, but soon opens her eyes and notices that the date is repeating itself. He has the superpower to freely create terrain.

“As long as you’ve come this far, you have to see the end.”

Denny: A reporter who took his assistant to the Black Forest where monsters come out in search of a scoop. Infiltrating a typically suspicious lab found in the woods, but the deeper you go, the more you can’t shake the feeling that something is trying to crawl through your throat. He is an avid film buff and has the superpower to bring history.

“All things are behind your back. Never look back.”

Yura: The last shaman to visit the city before becoming the head of a Korean village. He meets Denny by chance and investigates a case of mass hysteria and disappearance in the city. As time goes by, a contagious madness spreads through the city, leaving bloodstains behind and people who have disappeared begin to return with numbers engraved on their bodies. He has the ability to edit the land with the power of the terrestrial power.

“I’m not looking for the way. The way finds me.”

Sonia: The first person she met, Sonia, a collector who lived by collecting relics from an endless field, introduces herself as the Pope. He tells Sonia the story of the four plagues and why the world has come to this point. Only Sonia who always finds a way can prevent the last disaster from coming, but Sonia is somewhat irritable. But is there anything…

When you meet psychics and find out their stories and secrets, a profile is created. There are many different and strange people in the city. Ameria is Furry and I have a mole on my ass. These are worth writing down somewhere.

“Those military dogs. Are they breathing?”

But getting around the city isn’t always as easy as you might think. What kind of quacks built, the buildings are in poor condition, and fearsome military dogs patrol the city day and night. Dystopia is absurd. It’s just a city with good security.

December 6th ~ February 4th Project funding

2022 year-

February 5 ~ February 14 Physical reward production and delivery preparation

February 15 Reward Delivery Start

March 5th Reward delivery completed and foundation code production completed

June 1st Chapter 1 graphic source production completed

December 1st Chapter 1 production completed and internal testing

2023 –

March 1st Chapter 2 graphic source production completed

July 1st additional coding and 2 chapter production completed

October 1st 3rd chapter graphic source production completed

2024 year-

Chapter 3 production completed on January 1st

April 1st Chapter 4 graphic source production completed

Finished chapter work and prepared for release before August 1st

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