The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism) and the Korea Creative Content Agency (hereinafter referred to as Konjinwon) held a ‘2022 Conjinwon Support Project Briefing session’ from 1 PM on December 27th.

Conjin One’s support project is a system prepared for the development of the cultural content market by field and revitalization of the industry. can analyzes the points that indie game companies and single developers (teams) who are planning to start a preliminary business should not miss by tracing the context of the Conjinone support project presentation.

[ Announcement of business earlier than usual and selection of companies ]

The key point that should not be missed in this briefing held through the online YouTube channel is that the support project briefing session, which was held in January and February in the past, was held in December.

Accordingly, most of the announcements of support projects for each business division, which were held in February and March of every year, are also moved forward to January. It seems that it should have a quick preparation period of more than a month.

In addition, Conjin One announced that it would like to quickly support the industry and extend the business period of the supported companies by completing the project announcement, selection of target companies, and signing of agreements in the first quarter (within March).

*Editor’s Note: In the case of government-funded projects in 2022, not only the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, but also most other central ministries and affiliated organizations are expected to complete the announcement and selection of project support within one quarter.

[ What part of the total budget should indie game-related workers pay attention to ?]

Of the total budget of 547.7 billion won for the 2022 support project announced by Conjinone, the game sector is 77.7 billion won, and the budget of the game industry team, which is the actual support for game companies, reaches 33.3 billion won.

Among them, in the case of indie games, 2.8 billion won for nurturing game companies, 11.8 billion won for general game content production support by field (mobile, PC, high-tech), and support for new growth game content production (console, Arcade, board game, new technology), KRW 9.5 billion and KRW 300 million to support the activation of functional games, respectively.

In addition, among the projects carried out by the game distribution team, indie game companies and prospective founders with scalability in mind in a broad sense also include support for 4.6 billion won in operating budget for the Global Game Hub Center, voluntary selection support for other game companies (game plus), and support for game export vitalization. , is an item that single developers should pay attention to.

1. Level-up support for early game developers

The project, which is being developed with the goal of ‘nurturing game startups with excellent ideas and game production technology into a global leading company with market competitiveness and growth capabilities through the establishment of a support system for each growth stage,’ has a prototype (alpha version) It is conducted for corporations that have been in business for less than 3 years.

The target of support is for projects that can be demonstrated in the commercial release version during the evaluation of the results within the project period (December 22nd). Also, the participation of consortium units is limited.

The amount of support is around 13 early game startups, and up to 100 million won per company is supported, and cash of 10% or more of self-pay is a mandatory condition. In addition, the selected companies will be provided with specialized consulting in the game field such as expert diagnosis program, publishing, and finance/investment.

Recruitment starts with an announcement in January, goes through a selection process, an agreement is signed in March, and the final project is completed in December with an interim inspection in July.

2. Indie game planning and development contest

The indie game planning and development contest is conducted for individuals or groups of 10 or less aiming to be released within the business period (December 22nd). and games that have been officially released cannot be supported. In addition, business units such as individuals or corporations are restricted from receiving applications.

The size of the support is about 20 teams of indie game developers (teams), and a maximum of 10 million won will be paid per team. In addition, commercialization support such as translation (LQA), game resource development, and QA will be provided.

Recruitment starts with an announcement in January, and the final business operator is selected through written and presentation evaluation in February, and a reward is paid in March. If the final operator is selected, mentoring and commercialization support programs will be held until December.

3. Game content production support

The game content production support business is an industry leading content export, and its purpose is to support domestic game content production that will pioneer the domestic and overseas game market. The target of support is a domestic company that can develop a commercial version (official launch build) by the end of the agreement (December), and details will be announced through a separate notice.

The amount of support is 11.8 billion won to support production of general game contents (mobile games, PC games, high-tech fields (VR, AR, etc.) 9.5 billion won and 3 billion won will be paid to support the production of functional game contents.

The budget includes production support, QA and user evaluation operation, promotion of the month’s excellent game, and functional game promotion.

4. Global Game Hub Center operation

The global game hub center operation project, with a total budget of 4.65 billion won, is carried out for the purpose of nurturing small but strong game companies in Korea through support for move-in and capacity building. The project plans to support the expansion of small and medium-sized game companies into the global market by providing stable infrastructure facilities, supporting capacity building programs, and sharing resources for game development.

The target of support is small and medium-sized game companies in Korea (resident companies) or prospective founders, and game developers or teams (Game Venture 4.0) with less than one year of establishment (Game Venture 4.0). Operational programs, etc.

Recruitment for the Global Game Hub Center is divided into two stages: the first half and the second half. Tenants will be provided with basic 2 years + 1 year extension, and 1 year + 1 year extension for Game Venture 4.0, so small indie game developers can reduce fixed expenses including office space rental and benefit from various development and service support. This can be seen as a great opportunity to receive.

In addition to the support policy described above, Conjinone plans to operate various contests and support programs, including the Global Indie Game Production Contest (GIGDC) and the Korean Youth Game Jam.

In addition, we plan to provide consulting, infrastructure, marketing, game services, etc. with a budget of 7.2 billion won by selecting about 50 games from small and medium-sized game companies that wish to enter overseas directly through the game company voluntary selection support (game plus) project. Interested indie game developers, single developers, and teams should pay attention.

More detailed information related to the announcement of Conjinone ‘s 2022 support project can be found on theofficial YouTube channel ( . It can be found on the website ( .