[LUDA Games] 'ICE BREAKER' game for Roblox | Official Trailer

Luda Games (CEO Jeong Jae-hoon) announced it had started an open beta service for its self-developed casual game ‘ICE BREAKER for Roblox’ based on the global metaverse platform Roblox.

‘Ice Breaker’ is a metaverse-based battle royale game aiming to break the ice on top of the ice lake, make the opponent fall into the lake, collect more gold, and become the final winner. The game is simple game, but you can purchase various transformation items with gold acquired during the game, and it is characterized by strategic play using item properties and jumps.

Luda Games, which has established itself as Korea’s first Roblox (Metaverse) game developer, was established in 2021 with the goal of providing optimal solutions from fun-based content planning to development/service/marketing for the Metaverse platform. We are conducting various AR/VR and metaverse content development projects. Recently, four types of worlds of the ‘Meta Jeju’ project, an online Jeju travel guide service based on Zepeto, have been developed and introduced one after another.

In particular, Luda Games plans to sequentially service the theme park ‘Poo Universe,’ which will be filled with various rides and entertainment based on Roblox, and the TPS games ‘Poo Fighters’ and ‘Poo Express’ within the year. ‘, and various mini-games will gather to compete among users, including ‘Luda Land.’

“Ice Breaker is the first project in Korea to take the first step as a professional game company specializing in Roblox,” said Jaehoon Jeong, CEO of Luda Games. Thing,” he said.

Meanwhile, ‘Ice Breaker’ can be played on the Roblox game page, and detailed information about the developer, Luda Games, can be found on the homepage.

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