Global Game Challenge (GGC), a festival of future gamers who have served as a gateway to recruiting talented people in the game field based on communication between game/content major students and the game industry, will be held on the Metaverse from December 15 to 17, 2021. It is held as a virtual exhibition.

GGC is hosted by the GGC Organizing Committee, which is composed of the National Game-related Department of the Korea Game Society. In order to expand the game industry base and revitalize the market ecosystem, GGC is organized by the President’s Jobs Committee, Game Management Committee, Game-in Foundation, and Korea Mobile Game Association. This event is co-sponsored by a public-private organization.

GGC 2021, the national game university joint exhibition, will showcase game-related contents in various fields such as game finished works, programming, graphics, music, and platforms/services. In particular, this year, it will be reborn as an online festival based on the Metaverse platform, where you can directly play the submitted content and communicate with the participating team.

The GGC Award, which judges and awards works submitted by participating schools, is also held. The award, which is sponsored by Xsolla Korea, One Store, and the Game in Foundation, consists of three categories: game finished work, planning/story, and artwork, and an investment screening opportunity is given along with a prize money of 15 million won.

Participation and entry in the virtual exhibition are accepted on the website by December 3, and the participation fee for the virtual standard booth of schools and educational institutions is completely exempted.

GGC Graduation Exhibition Chairperson Kim Jeong-tae, Professor of Dongyang University, said, “The Global Game Challenge (GGC) is a festival for amateur gamers in their fourth year this year. It is an opportunity,” he said, adding, “I hope for a lot of interest and participation so that the festival of young gamers who will become the backbone of the Korean game industry can be successfully held.”

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