The Ministry of SMEs and Startups (Minister Chil-seung Kwon, hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of SMEs and Startups) announced that it will recruit 875 students to enter the Youth Entrepreneurship Academy in 2022 from January 13 (Thu) to February 4 (Fri) to nurture young entrepreneurs.

The Youth Entrepreneurship Academy (Cheongchangsa) is a project that supports all stages of start-up in a bundle (package), such as providing occupancy space, education and guidance (coaching), and financial support for commercialization by discovering excellent entrepreneurs with promising start-up items and innovative technologies.

The Youth Entrepreneurship Academy, which has been in operation since 2011, has produced 5,842 young entrepreneurs so far, and has created 5.7 trillion won in cumulative sales and 17,823 new jobs. It has established itself as a representative training center for youth technology startups in Korea by producing giant new companies (unicorn companies) such as ‘Toss’.

This year, the Youth Entrepreneurship Academy plans to be transformed into the Youth Entrepreneurship Academy 2.0, which the MZ generation wants by reflecting opinions from the previous year’s full-scale survey and youth entrepreneurs meeting.

First, the new Youth Entrepreneurship Academy attracts and nurtures excellent entrepreneurs led by the private sector that responds sensitively to the flow (trend) of the MZ (MZ) generation.

First, for excellent entrepreneurs in non-metropolitan areas with poor private start-up infrastructure (infrastructure), the ‘private-led type’ ‘Cheongchangsa’ is introduced as a pilot.

Privately-led Cheongchangsa is a new operating method in which a startup planner (AC) with direct investment function becomes an operating institution, selects and nurtures excellent entrepreneurs in non-metropolitan areas, and takes responsibility for the process of direct investment or investment attraction.

Since private entrepreneurship planners (AC) directly select students on the premise of investment, many young entrepreneurs who enter Daejeon Youth Entrepreneurship Academy can expect private investment upon graduation.

In addition, specialized private education institutions are recruited to integrate education plans established by region to establish and operate them.

Private educational institutions are planning to provide high-quality educational contents online and offline by recruiting top experts in each field, such as famous lecturers, which are difficult to invite by individual Cheongchang companies as well as education plans.

In the case of guidance (coaching), it is improved and operated with 1:1 guidance (coaching) centered on private external experts, which was conducted by a small number of dedicated internal professors.

If an incoming freshman wants a lecturer other than the private experts hired, separate support is also provided in the form of a voucher (voucher) .

Second, a new specialized program will be operated in consideration of regional characteristics.

Considering the excellent infrastructure (infrastructure) and abundant start-up demand in the metropolitan area, a specialized area will be pilot operated.

Seoul plans to specialize in the global (global) investment sector in consideration of the presence of investment-specialized institutions such as global venture capital (VC) and start-up planners (AC). In the northern part of Gyeonggi-do, where military bases are concentrated, specialization for military personnel is carried out.

In specialized areas, it is planned to raise the limit of commercialization funds and provide education and guidance (coaching) for industry experts.

Third, introduce a new investment program for the birth of unicorns, and strengthen the student relationship network (networking) system.

Introduce a new regional base demonstration (demo day). Considering that private demonstrations (demo days) are held mainly in Seoul, demonstrations (demo days) will be held at regional bases (Busan, Daegu, Gwangju, Daejeon, Gangwon, Seoul).

In the regional base demonstration (demo day), we plan to promote the participation of investors who have invested in the mother-in-law fund (fund) so that non-metropolitan founders can actively attract investment and promote companies for excellent investors who are difficult to meet in the region.

In addition, the corporate activity (IR) education, which was previously implemented only in 10 Cheongchang companies, will be expanded to 18 Cheongchang companies, and investment links with related organizations (Korea Venture Investment, Technology Guarantee Fund, etc.) will be promoted.

We plan to develop and distribute a communication app to solve the communication problems between incoming students and between incoming students and operating organizations caused by non-face-to-face education after COVID-19. Is expected.

Fourth, the selection method will be improved with a focus on young entrants, and the project cost management operating system will be improved for transparent project management.

In order to alleviate the burden of application for applicants to enter the university, free online advice is provided during the application (business plan) writing period, and the presentation examination materials are replaced with the application submitted during document review rather than a separate PPT.

In order to strengthen project cost management, it is planned to strengthen the verification process for prototype production and purchase of machinery, and to comprehensively manage start-up project support history by linking the details of support for start-up projects and the execution of commercialization funds with the start-up management system of the Korea Startup Promotion Agency.

The 2022 Youth Entrepreneurship Academy project, newly reorganized to suit the sensitivity of youth, is for those under the age of 39 and those who have been in business for less than 3 years, and until 2pm on February 4 (Fri), visit the K-Startup website (www). You can apply through

However, Daejeon Youth Entrepreneurship Academy is not recruiting students at the time of this announcement in order to select the students directly by the private management company, and plans to make a separate announcement in February.

In the future, applicants from non-metropolitan areas will be allowed to apply for overlapping applications to the Daejeon Youth Entrepreneurship Academy, and if all applicants are accepted, they will be given the option to enter the desired area. do.

For detailed inquiries about admission to the Youth Entrepreneurship Academy, please contact the 18 Youth Entrepreneurship Academy nationwide.