‘Stove Indie’, an indie game platform operated by Smilegate Stove (CEO Han Young-woon), is a ‘platformer game’ discount event along with the release of new DLC for ‘Novena Diavolos’ developed by H5DEV Games (CEO Ahn Sang-hyun). announced today (23rd) that it will be carried out.

‘Novena Diabolos’ is an occult mystery adventure game that was officially released on the stove in October 2020. Users can enjoy the fun of reasoning by interacting with the five heroines they meet as they progress through the story, as well as engaging in fierce nerve battles with pagans.

Stove Indie not only expanded the story of John ‘Novena Diavolos’ through this DLC, but also added new characters and voice actors recordings. In addition, to commemorate the release of the DLC on the stove, a special discount is being sold. We also started an event to provide limited edition goods of ‘Novena Diavolos’ to users who leave evaluations and reviews after purchasing the DLC.

Stove Indy will also hold a ‘Platformer Game’ discount event until the 7th of next month. Users can receive an additional 10% discount by checking the coupon number through a collaboration video with ‘Casanovac’, one of the streamers, and using it.

Meanwhile, Stove Indy plans to release the 2D turn-based strategy simulation game ‘Heroes Hour’ on the 2nd of next month and is making advance reservations for it. The game is expected to receive a lot of attention from indie fans as it is being evaluated that it can enjoy a game similar to the ;Heroes of Might and Magic series more lightly.

Smilegate Stove CEO Han Young-woon said, “‘Novena Diavolos’ is the 20th game released after the launch of Stove Indie, and it has grown with the stove until this DLC. We will not only release games with artistic quality, but also increase opportunities to meet indie game fans.”

More information about the DLC for ‘Novena Diabolos’ can be found on the Stove Indie event page .

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