Gachon University’s (President Lee Gil-ya) Department of Game and Media announced that it successfully held the ‘Gachon Game Jam’ event. The event is part of a pre-university program targeting new students in 2024.

The Gachon Game Jam event is where prospective college students form teams and share game planning, art, and programming duties according to the topic given on the day to experience the game development process directly. In addition to understanding and verifying the students’ own practical abilities, they also work as field developers. It is a specialized pre-university program unique to the Gachon University Game and Media Department. It provides opportunities for collaboration and communication through direct interaction with seniors and working developers in the Gachon University Game and Media Department.

The 2024 Gachon Game Jam, co-hosted by Gachon University’s Game and Media Department and Delicious Games, is where graduates and working developers who graduated from Gachon University’s Game and Media Department are directly assigned as game jam mentors, providing job-specific coaching and game production mentoring during the game jam period. ▲On the 1st day, topic presentation and team composition, game development after idea planning, and job distribution for each team ▲On the 2nd day, project production completion, in-depth mentoring, and evaluation by expert committee members, including a final presentation by the team.

The ‘Become a Blue Dragon, Imoogi’ project is a side-scrolling game that proudly took first place in this year’s game jam evaluation. In celebration of this year’s Year of the Blue Dragon, we are planning a highly complete game that appropriately combines the keywords of ‘Blue Dragon’ and the story of growth. In particular, the judges highly praised it for implementing a tense boss battle even during the short production period.

Professor Kim Jeong-yoon, head of the Department of Game and Media at Gachon University, who planned this event, said, “We expected some level of performance as they were prospective talents in the game industry who were proven to have entered through a high admission competition rate of 15 to 1, but even though they were students who had just graduated from high school, they were able to participate in the game jam. “I was once again surprised at how well all of the participating teams worked together to complete the game in a short period,” he said, expressing his expectations for the 24-year-old Gachon University’s Department of Game and Media freshmen.

In addition, “I feel that students’ interest in games and video studies has become more intense, and with the artificial intelligence craze, cases of AI use in games are becoming a hot topic. AI is becoming more prominent as it can improve game quality, dramatically reduce work time, and develop user-customized content.

Korean game companies also strengthen AI technology capabilities to maximize game production efficiency. In line with this trend, we will create an optimal specialized education program to discover the hidden skills and potential of the 4th class of Gachon University Early Employment Contract Department students and develop them into professional human resources desired by the industrial field so that they can contribute to the content industry as last year. .” He expressed his aspirations to nurture next-generation game talent who will lead the Korean industry.

Lee Hyun-jin, CEO of Delicious Games, who co-hosted the event, also said, “I was once again surprised by the development skills of prospective college students who are developing and growing day by day, and I am proud that Delicious Games is participating in the program to discover capable prospective developers.” He expressed great satisfaction with the game industry human resources training program.

Gachon University’s Department of Game and Media is famous for being an early-employment type department in which corporate officials participate directly in the entrance examination process, select new students jointly with the university, and work for companies that have agreed to hire them after completing the introductory training course. Students will intensively complete basic significant competency and field practical training during the first year. During the second and third years, they will receive in-depth education related to the job and advance their job capabilities in the industrial field, allowing them to enter the industrial field as professional manpower while obtaining a bachelor’s degree. Some strengths can be Acquiring professional knowledge in the field and utilizing time efficiently, such as a company-tailored curriculum, scholarship benefits, early employment, and two years of work experience upon graduation.

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