The 3rd Indie Game Awards, hosted by the Korea Indie Game Association and sponsored by Megazone Cloud and SBA Seoul Economic Promotion Agency, ended on the 8th at the Megazone Building Conference Hall.

The Indieple Awards, which started in 2019, is an event to introduce once again the works of indie games released this year and encourage the revitalization of the domestic indie game market.

This year’s event, which received 100 games, consists of various genres such as action, casual, simulation, and adventure. Among them, 16 games were selected as finalists and selected through on-site screening by experts and online and offline voting. The winning works were awarded.

The grand prize winner was ‘Hinfitol’ (Base Zero), which kills pathogens by becoming T cells that appear in the immune system, ▲ the Grand Prize Winner ‘Raising Deskrow’ (Next All), ▲ Excellence Prize ‘Vine’ (Frog Party), ▲ Creator The award for ‘Lumen Rider’ (Snow Games), ▲ Popularity Award for ‘Seoul Zombies: Raising Mercenaries’, and ▲ Special Award for ‘Everyone’s Library’ (Beautiful Media Lab) were selected.

Hong Young-ki, vice president of the Korea Indie Game Association, said, “I think this year, with over 100 different indie games participating, it has established itself as Korea’s representative indie game event,” adding, “The Korea Indie Game Association will continue to cooperate with government agencies and private companies to ensure healthy “We will strive to create an indie game development ecosystem,” he said.

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