Webzen announced that it started Kickstarter fundraising for ‘Remore: Infested Kingdom (Lemore),’ a turn-based strategy RPG developed by Black Anchor Studios, an indie game developer, on the 28th at 23:00 Korean time.

‘Remore’ is a game that survives from variants that appeared along with disasters in the background of a virtual European kingdom and are characterized by its unique pixel graphics with strategic and survival elements added. On the 14th, Webzen announced signing a global publishing contract with Black Anchor Studios and released a Steam game introduction page and official Facebook account.

‘Kickstarter’ is a representative crowdfunding service in the United States and is a system in which Kickstarter members who support corporate or individual projects become sponsors.

This ‘Remore’ Kickstarter fundraiser will run for one month until April 27th. Kickstarter backers are rewarded with a game pass, digital OST and art book, NPC/map naming rights, etc., depending on the amount of support. In addition, if the goal of additional sponsorship of over $30,000 in total fundraising is achieved, additional in-game content and systems will be provided along with the release of ‘ReMore’ as a reward.

In addition, backers of $30 or more are given the right to participate in the ‘First Survival Demo’ test, which will be held before the early access release.

Jeong Geuk-min, CEO of Black Anchor Studio, said, “This Kickstarter funding was planned to widely publicize the game not only to domestic but also overseas fans of the turn-based strategy genre ahead of the global service of ‘Le More.'”

Meanwhile, ‘Remore’ won the gold prize in the production category under the name ‘Before the Dawn’ at the ‘2021 Global Indie Game Production Contest’ (GIGDC). With the goal of releasing Steam Early Access in the second half of this year, we are currently accelerating the completion of development.

The turn-based strategic RPG ‘Remore: Infested Kingdom’ sponsorship campaign and new game video can be found on the Kickstarter page.

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