Neople (CEO Yoon Myeong-jin) is conducting large-scale new recruitment across all job groups in Seoul and Jeju from the 27th to April 16th.

Recruitment areas include ▲game graphics ▲game planning ▲game business ▲programming ▲multimedia ▲web, etc., and the recruitment scale is in the triple digits. If you are interested in the field, anyone can apply without restrictions on career, education, age, and gender, and the workplace is divided into Jeju and Seoul.

Last year, Neople recorded explosive growth thanks to the stable live service of ‘Dungeon & Fighter,’ a popular online action game with a global fandom, and the box office success of the new game ‘Dungeon & Fighter Mobile.’ It plans to accelerate the development of new games to be released after ‘Project Overkill’ and ‘Project AK.’

Neople simplified the document screening process by eliminating the self-introduction section to improve the convenience of applicants. After document submission, the final successful candidates will be announced around June after document review, pre-assignment, non-face-to-face interview, and online personality test. Documents are accepted from March 27th to April 16th through a micro page dedicated to the recruitment, and various information such as detailed job introductions, document preparation methods, and welfare benefits can be found on the page.

Neople also greatly expanded its welfare system to recruit talented people. At the Jeju headquarters, the scope of housing and flight support for executives and employees coming from out of the province was expanded, as well as the range of benefits, such as the expansion of group accident insurance and the strengthening of the support system for congratulations and condolences. In addition, we are operating various welfare systems that improve the quality of life of our members, such as the flexible work system, welfare points, three-year service leave, and support for in-house daycare centers.

“Neople is a place where you can not only experience development and service know-how accumulated over a long period of time but also have opportunities to take on new challenges,” said Jang Min-seok, head of the HR team at Neople.

For more detailed information regarding the Neople 2023 open recruitment, please visit the 2023 Neople Recruitment micro page and official blog.

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