Webzen (CEO Kim Tae-young) announced on the 14th that it had signed a Steam global publishing contract for the game service of ‘Remore: Infested Kingdom’ of ‘Black Anchor Studio’, an indie game developer.

‘Black Anchor Studio (CEO Jeong Geuk-min)’ is an indie game developer well known to gamers after winning the gold prize for the apocalypse zombie ‘Before the Dawn’ at the ‘2021 Global Indie Game Production Contest (GIGDC)’.

Webzen confirmed the game name as ‘REMORE: INFESTED KINGDOM (hereafter referred to as Lemore)’ to prepare for ‘Before the Dawn’ global game service on Steam, and today (March 14), ‘Steam ‘ Game introduction page and Facebook operation started.

‘Remore’ is a ‘turn-based strategy RPG’ made into a game about the process of surviving the mutants that appeared along with disasters in the background of a fictional European kingdom. When it was first unveiled at the ‘Busan Indie Connect Festival (BIC)’ in 2020, it received high attention from gamers for its pixel graphics that clearly reveal the dark worldview, the originality of the theme, and a system that was differentiated from existing turn-based strategic RPGs.

The developer, Black Anchor Studios, has further developed the process of a gamer commanding and surviving several survivors by adding strategy and survival elements to a turn-based strategic RPG full of personality, further enhancing the game quality.

Webzen was not involved in the development or profit model at all in order to maximize the advantages of originality as an indie game and the development independence of an indie developer (Black Anchor Studio) during the production stage of ‘ReMore.’ In the process of launching afterward, it will focus only on game service support, such as securing indie game users and stable publishing.

The two companies are finishing production with the goal of releasing ‘Le More’ on Steam Early Access in the second half of this year.

“We are delighted to partner with Webzen, which has shown full trust and support for the direction of Lemore’s development,” said Geuk-Min Jung, CEO of Black Anchor Studio. We will do our best to do it,” he said.

Webzen also expects a good box office performance targeting global hardcore gamers who highly prefer ‘turn-based strategic RPG.’ In particular, starting with the release of ‘Remore,’ which has high development completion and box office potential, it plans to secure excellent games and development capabilities in various indie game genres.

The production status, latest information, game introduction, and screenshots of the turn-based strategy RPG ‘Lemore: Infested Kingdom’ can be found on the Steam game introduction page and official SNS account .

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