– KOCCA – Nexon Korea – Nexon Foundation – Elementary Computing Teachers Association 4-way agreement signed on November 16th
– Promise of joint efforts to spread the educational value of games and strengthen the digital capabilities of future generations

The Korea Creative Content Agency (President Cho Hyun-rae, hereinafter referred to as KOCCA) signed a ‘business agreement to spread game literacy and coding education using games’ with Nexon Korea (CEO Lee Jeong-heon), Nexon Foundation (Chairman Kim Jeong-wook), and Elementary Computing Teachers Association (Chairman Kang Seong-Hyun). Signed on the 16th.

This agreement was prepared to enhance the educational value of games, such as expanding positive awareness of games, cooperation in human and material resources to spread game literacy, and coding education using games. To this end, each company will bring together its capabilities and cooperate with each other to jointly develop educational contents that can be linked not only to the educational field but also to the home.

◆ Joint development of elementary and secondary education content and mutual cooperation to strengthen digital capabilities

KOCCA, Nexon Korea, Nexon Foundation, and Elementary Computing Teachers Association plan to systematically develop and utilize game literacy and game coding educational content for elementary and middle school students.

First of all, Nexon Korea, the Nexon Foundation, and the Elementary Computing Teachers Association will jointly develop coding education content by utilizing Nexon’s gamification infrastructure, such as the ‘Maple Story World platform. KOCCA decided to use the contents provided for free in conducting video literacy and game coding education directly supervised.

In addition, as the use of gamification, which combines games and education in public education, is increasing, KOCCA, Nexon Korea, Nexon Foundation, and Elementary Computing Teachers Association use game content to encourage students to participate in classes and move forward voluntarily. The plan is to jointly seek ways to strengthen the digital capabilities of the generation.

Cho Hyeon-rae, director of KOCCA, said, “Now, games are evolving in the direction of being used in various educational methods in school classes and home learning.” We expect it to be of great help in our growth.”

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