Neople (CEO Noh Jeong-hwan) announced it would start recruiting trainees for the ‘2022 Neople Jeju Academy’, a recruitment-related talent development program, starting on the 14th.

‘Neople Jeju Academy’ is a recruitment-related education program operated in cooperation with Neople, Jeju Provincial Government, and Jeju Technopark with the goal of securing excellent talent with practical skills and creating local jobs.

This year, basic and in-depth education will be conducted by preparing a total of two courses, ▲UI/UX ▲2D effect, focusing on the game graphic field. In particular, the field designer of ‘Dungeon & Fighter,’ which has a global fandom, participates as a lecturer and transfers know-how based on a systematic curriculum centered on practical work.

Documents are accepted through the Neople official blog from the 14th to December 2nd, and anyone interested in the game graphics field can apply regardless of academic background, age, or region. Trainees who are selected after document review will receive free education at the training center in the Neople office building for three months from the end of December.

Students who have completed the training can also get the opportunity to connect with employment. After the academy ends, students with excellent grades can join Neople as interns or full-time employees without limiting the number of people. In fact, more than half of the students who participated in ‘Neople Jeju Academy’ over the past three years participated in internships.

In addition, various privileges are provided for the convenience of trainees. Trainees are provided with round-trip airfare to Jeju Island and accommodation during the training period, and points are provided for lunch and cafeteria use in the in-house cafeteria.

“Neople Jeju Academy, which started in 2016, is a program with high satisfaction among trainees by providing practical training in various fields yearly,” said Jang Min-Seok, head of Neople’s HR team. Hope,” he said.

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