The indie game platform StoveIndie is a classic RPG ‘Legend of Heroes’ trajectory series developed by Japan’s Nihon Falcom Co. ‘The Legend of Heroes: Traces of Zero: Kai’ and ‘The Traces of the Legend of Heroes Wall: Kai,’ which deal with the stories of the ‘Crossbell Autonomous Prefecture’ region, has been released.

The heroic legend ‘Traces of Zero: Kai’ and the heroic legend ‘Traces of the Wall: Kai’ are the works that take place at the beginning of the ‘Traces series.’ ‘The Trajectory Series’ is the 3rd series of Legends of Heroes, which follows the so-called ‘Gagave Trilogy,’ the 3~5 Legends of Heroes that announced the fame of Nihon Falcom. Based on the background of modern and contemporary motifs after the Industrial Revolution rather than medieval fantasy, it is highly regarded for its vast and meticulously crafted worldview and immersive story.

The heroic legend ‘Traces of Zero: Kai’ and the heroic legend ‘Traces of the Wall: Kai’ deal with the story of the ‘special task force’ active in the ‘Crossbell Autonomous Prefecture’, the main area of the 3rd series. It features a solid story structure that depicts an event from different angles by giving each character their own story. Thanks to the story of various events coming together like a puzzle at the end, it is a work that rises and falls in the ranks of masterpieces in the Legend of Heroes ‘Track Series’.

The hero legend ‘Trace of Zero: Kai’ and the hero legend ‘Trace of the Wall: Kai,’ which can be met at Smilegate ‘Stove Indie,’ support perfect Korean translation, so you can fully feel the moving story. In addition, by supporting 60 fps (frames per second), the graphics and sound have been improved with high-definition/high-quality sound so that you can enjoy it without lack, even at the present time.

In time for the release of Smilegate Stove, an event is held to increase user accessibility so that anyone can easily access the hero’s legend. Coupons will be provided to all users who purchase the game, and gaming gear such as XBOX consoles and gaming headsets will be provided through a lottery among purchasing users.

Smilegate Stove Director Yeo Seung-hwan is the director of the hero legend ‘Zero’s Trace: Kai’ and the hero’s legend ‘The Trace of the Wall: Kai’ is the story of the three heroic legends that follow ‘Island’s Trace,’ ‘Starting Trace,’ and ‘Yeo’s Trace.’ It is a work that is a starting point,” he said.

More details about the hero legends ‘Traces of Zero: Kai’ and ‘Traces of the Wall: Kai’ released by Stove Indie, can be found on the official website.

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