– Conjin One, Opens Content IP Comprehensive Business Event at COEX, November 10-12
– On the 10th, the IP industry activation policy roadmap was announced, the industry status and policy demand were diagnosed, and the activation plan was presented.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (Minister Park Bo-gyun) and the Korea Creative Content Agency (President Cho Hyun-rae, hereafter referred to as Konjin-won) held the ‘Content IP Biz-Fair 2022’, an IP business event that encompasses all fields of K-contents, on November 10 ( It will be held from Thursday) to November 12 (Sat) at COEX in Seoul.

This event, held for the first time this year, is a comprehensive business event under the theme of ‘Infinite Expansion of Content IP’ to create a smooth ecosystem by connecting content IP-related providers, media, and platforms, and to explore the potential for sustainable development of K-content. .

To this end, about 180 content companies covering various fields such as characters, games, broadcasting, music, and webtoons and 150 domestic and foreign buyers gathered in one place to participate in a variety of activities such as ▲exhibition/consultation booth ▲business briefing session ▲biz matching ▲financial consulting ▲legal seminar, etc. Through the B2B program, we will seek to expand mutual exchanges and business opportunities.

◆ 10 days, IP industry revitalization policy roadmap covering all fields of content presented

On the 10th, the first day of the event, the IP activation policy roadmap forum will be held. The forum diagnoses the current status and policy demands of the content IP industry, and suggests an integrated policy direction and roadmap to revitalize the IP industry. Presenters include ▲YLab CEO Shim Junkyung ▲Hanyang University Professor Park Kisoo ▲Happy Up Director Lee Seungyong will present strategies for activating content IP-linked business by field and conduct a panel discussion, and then present a policy roadmap for IP activation.

◆ Presenting the future direction of K-contents IP.. Licensing Con 2022 held for two days from 11th to 12th

The conference ‘Licensing Con 2022’ will be held on the 11th and 12th to share the latest trends and information in the content IP industry and suggest future directions. The conference, which is held under the theme of ‘Proposal of K-Contents IP Business Model’, will illuminate the present and future of global content IP business with the participation of leading domestic and foreign IP business companies and speakers.

Key speakers include ▲David Maisel, first chairman of Marvel Studios ▲Scott Manson, CEO of Hive America Business Solutions ▲Director Yoonseong Kang, Crime City ▲Seunggyu Lee, Vice President of The Pink Pong Company ▲Seongha Lee, VP of Krafton, etc. After that, we will discuss the construction of the content IP universe and the collaboration strategy.

◆ How to improve the content IP system for coexistence and expansion? Check out the talk IP forum

Also, on the morning of the 11th, the ‘Story IP Forum’ will be held. In this forum, where experts from each field of content industry gather, we examine the difficulties in the use and expansion of content IP and seek institutional support. First, ▲Hee-Kyung Yoon, Director of Raemon-Rain ▲Professor Choi Seon-Young of the Graduate School of Communication, Yonsei University, will give a presentation and introduce vivid domestic and foreign industry cases and major issues.

In the discussion that followed, ▲Professor Jingeun Jeong from the Graduate School of Law at Kangwon National University was moderator, ▲PD Kim Jiyeon of Pan Entertainment ▲Songhoon Huh, a lawyer at Liu Law Firm ▲Song Joseph, Team Leader of the Future Policy Team of Conjinwon, together with the speakers, institutional improvement plan for IP value expansion discuss

◆ Everything for IP business such as demo days, conferences, showcases, and legal seminars

Meanwhile, various programs for nurturing content IP and revitalizing business are being prepared at the same time. On the 11th, an animation boot camp demo day will be held to select excellent works for new animation projects that have completed planning and development. A total of 4 excellent works are selected through a screening process, and the best work is supported with a prize for the production of the main animation in the beginning of the next year.

In addition, ▲Content IP commercialization conference that provides opportunities for commercialization of excellent contents IP through programs such as pitching and 1:1 consulting ▲Excellent small and medium-sized content companies and large enterprises presentation of collaboration cases and IP licensing build-up that showcases products using IP ▲ Through various B2B programs such as content copyright-related legal seminars for workers and companies, it will provide opportunities for commercialization of excellent domestic content IPs.

Conjinwon President Cho Hyun-rae said, “This event was planned to respond to changes in the industrial landscape and value chain reorganized around content IP. do,” he said.

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