Supercat (CEO Kim Young-eul) announced on the 4th that the 4th ‘Supercat Dot Academy (hereinafter SDA)’, a recruitment conversion training program, was launched with a high competition ratio of 5:1.

SDA is a practical competency-based education program designed by Supercat to foster and secure professional talent in the dot graphic field. Since 2021, when the first students were recruited, the number of applicants has increased with each course, receiving good evaluations in various fields such as high-quality curriculum, excellent instructors, working-level mentoring, and practical experience cultivation.

In particular, the 4th SDA, recruited in September, attracted more than 100 applicants and recorded a high competition ratio of 5 to 1, proving its popularity as one of the game industry talent training programs.

The students who were selected for the 4th class through the high competition rate gathered at the Supercat headquarters in Seohyeon, Bundang on the 30th (Fri) and had an orientation, and participated in a training course specialized in dot graphics from the basics to the application stage for about 3 months from the 4th. will do

Through this program, students can acquire the skills and knowledge required as a dot artist such as ▲design basics ▲color composition and material ▲use of animation ▲texture and leveling, etc.

In addition to various benefits, Supercat provides SDA students with a job transition opportunity. So far, SDA’s recruitment conversion rate has been 90% for the 1st semester, 100% for the 2nd semester, and 80% for the 3rd semester. He is growing as a dot artist by being assigned to several projects such as ‘Hwansechwihojeon’.

Art Director Kim Hoon of Supercat said, “Thank you for your continued interest in SDA, which started to secure the growth engine of Supercat through nurturing future talent and further contribute to job creation for youth. We will work hard to improve and develop the curriculum,” he said.

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