The Game Culture Foundation (Chairman Kyung-il Kim, Professor of Psychology at Ajou University), the winner of the ‘1st Game Generation Game Criticism Contest’, was held to broaden various cultural approaches to digital games and to discover new writers who will lead the game culture in a practical and practical way. part was published.

The theme of this contest is digital game criticism, and the excellence of game analysis and understanding, creativity of interpretation and analysis, and writing skills are judged. became

In particular, despite the fact that the field of game criticism itself may be somewhat unfamiliar to society as a whole, 93 applications were received for this contest, indicating that many people agree on the need for a critical approach to games.

As a result of the final judging, the grand prize was awarded to Wombat author’s ‘Game is XX: Breaking the Tautology Circuit’. In addition, the Excellence Award was awarded to ‘Rhythm Game, The Most Free from the Poverty’ by Kim Min-ho, ‘Beyond the Fire Bomb, Beyond Consumer Capitalism: Criticism of the Game <Little Inferno' by Kim Ji-woon, and 'The Game as a Lucid Dream' by Kim Do-geun, respectively. enjoyed

Award name author title
first prize wombat The game is XX: Breaking the tautology circuit
Excellence Award Minho Kim Rhythm game, the poorest and the freest
Excellence Award Kim Ji-woon Beyond Fire, Beyond Consumer Capitalism: A Criticism of the Game Little Inferno
Excellence Award Dogeun Kim Game as a lucid dream
Encouragement Award beat walking game
Encouragement Award Kim Seon-oh The Death of King Arthur: ‘Red Dead Redemption 2’, Knight Romance, Duet of End and Delay
Encouragement Award Lee Seon-in In the world of spiritualism called video games
Encouragement Award Gyuri Kim Hanging Out Outside Their Own Game: Dark Souls 3 and From Gal’s ‘Yorshka Murder Tradition’
Encouragement Award Kim Seo-yul 〈Disco Elysium〉 A game of contradictions, antagonisms and paradoxes born in one world

Professor Taejin Yoon of the Graduate School of Communication at Yonsei University, who chaired the jury, said, “The overall quality of the submissions was much higher than expected, and we were able to find many manuscripts that far exceeded the expectations of the judges. At the same time, I hope that you will continue to write good articles with love for the game.”

‘Game Generation’, a cultural discourse platform for the game generation, is being created by the Game Culture Foundation and Crafton, and is published bi-monthly, starting with the first issue on August 10, 2021. More information can be found on the Game Generation official website .

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