The Seoul Metropolitan Government and the Seoul Industry Promotion Agency (SBA, CEO Kim Hyun-woo) announced that they will hold the online business conference ‘2021 SPP:GAME SPP:GAME’ for 3 days from December 13th to 15th.

‘SPP:GAME’ is a game-specific online business conference designed to support biz matching between game startups and indie developers, domestic and foreign publishers, investors, and IP companies.

This ‘2021 SPP:GAME’ is expected to be bigger than last year with the goal of attracting more than 200 companies from 25 countries. Currently, influential publishers from special regions in the Middle East and Europe such as Iran, UAE, Russia and Denmark, as well as the US, Japan, China, and Southeast Asian countries, have been confirmed to participate, and domestic indie games are expected to enter various global markets.

‘2021 SPP:GAME’ will be held online using the SPP platform. The SPP platform is a biz matching platform specialized for the content industry of the Seoul Industry Promotion Agency, and is optimized for online biz matching through information-based customized suggestion functions such as region, country, and purpose of participation. SBA plans to utilize the database it has accumulated over the years to induce participation of various stakeholders and provide many business opportunities to game startups and indie developers.

Game industry officials wishing to participate in ‘2021 SPP: GAME’ can register through the SPP website by December 10th. After registering as a member on the SPP Connect homepage, you can access the SPP:GAME Biz Matching page to meet potential global partners. Anyone wishing to biz match in the game field, such as domestic and foreign game startups, developers, publishers, VCs, and IP holders, can apply for free.

Park Bo-kyung, head of SBA’s Strategic Industry Headquarters, said, “It is a pity that many indie games have excellent game characteristics, but cannot see the light of day due to Corona 19. We will create an environment in which various outcomes can be continuously achieved.”

For more information on ‘2021 SPP:GAME’, please refer to the official website or contact the ‘2021 SPP:GAME’ operation secretariat.

인디게임닷컴 편집부

We will create the future of Korean indie games for the global No.1 game powerhouse. #Since2003