Busan Metropolitan City (Mayor Park Hyung-jun), Busan Information Industry Promotion Agency (President Jung Moon-seop), and Busan Indie Connect Festival Organizing Committee (organizing committee Chairman Seo Tae-gun) exhibited ‘BIC Showcase X G-Star 2021’ held at the BEXCO exhibition hall in Busan from the 17th to the 21st. announced on the 22nd that it was successfully completed.

At ‘BIC Showcase X G-Star 2021’, 65 kinds of indie games were presented to visitors to the event. Among the 121 games introduced at the ‘Busan Indie Connect Festival 2021 (hereinafter referred to as BIC 2021)’ held in September, 30 games including 10 winners of the ‘BIC 2021 Award’ and 3 winners of the ‘BIC Game Jam’ participated in the exhibition 30 games received through the G-Star Secretariat and 5 games produced by Game Academy students were included in this exhibition, making it the largest showcase ever. Xsolla and NCsoft participated in the sponsorship.

The ‘BIC Showcase X G-Star 2021’ exhibition, which was placed in the first exhibition hall, received a warmer response than ever. Visitors to the booth participate in the ‘Indie Game Taste Test’, which helps them find the indie game exhibition zone that suits their taste, while enjoying various indie games from around the world and actively asking questions or expressing their feelings to the developers of each game. appeared to communicate with

In particular, the BIC organizing committee supported a contest program for indie game developers with Xsolla, which has been sponsoring the BIC festival for 4 consecutive years. △ ‘Wand Games” ‘TurnTack’, which won the Xsolla eXcellence Award, the best game selected by Xsolla participating in BIC Showcase 2021, will receive a cash prize of $7,000, Xsolla Funding Club benefits, and Xsolla Partner Network Credit worth $2,000. ‘Kalpa – Original Rhythm Game’ of ‘Quesera Games’, which won the Xsolla neXt Generation Award, the best game selected by the votes of booth visitors, was supported with a prize money of 3,000 dollars and benefits from the Xsolla Funding Club.

Busan Indie Connect Festival Organizing Committee Chairman Seo Tae-geon said, “BIC Showcase X G-Star 2021 has been well-received more than ever and successfully completed the exhibition. I believe you have given We look forward to the day when we will officially introduce the game to users who enjoy the game, and we ask for your support for the many developers who are working hard even at this time.”

Busan Information Industry Promotion Agency is operating the Busan Global Game Center with the support of Busan Metropolitan City, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and Korea Creative Content Agency to foster the game industry in Busan. Together with the organizing committee, the BIC Festival is held every year.

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