‘Selection’ and ‘Nibo’ won the ‘New Game Game Audition’ held in 2021 by the Gyeonggi Global Game Center under the title of ‘Signboard Business’.

The ‘New Game Game Audition’ is a global star content discovery program, and the 14th and 15th sessions were held this year, respectively. Selection, the 14th winning team, continued to develop ‘Enthron’, which started lightly because they wanted to make a game of childhood memories, and won the championship after three attempts.

‘Enthron’, a retro-style rogue-like mobile game with a unique setting, has the advantage of intuitive information and easy control optimized for the mobile environment.

Selection was founded through the Gyeonggi Game Academy Startup Course, a startup support program of the Gyeonggi Global Game Center.

Selection CEO Jeong Jae-hyun said, “Currently, after the release of Enthron, we are focusing on stabilization, and after stabilization, we plan to develop the next game ‘Last Island’.

Jaehyun Jeong, CEO of Selection, who won the 14th ‘New Game Game Audition’

The 15th winning team ‘Nibo’ is a couple development team. Nibo developed the ‘Save the Earth’ game about growing up while traveling together and protecting the Earth from the pity of seeing the garbage thrown away.

CEO Cho Hee-jae of Nibo said, “Through the new game audition, I received advice from various experts and feedback from various angles, which was very helpful. became,” he said.

CEO Heejae Cho, Nibo, who won the 15th ‘New Game Game Audition’

Nibo is currently developing its first game, ‘Save the Earth’, supplementing UX and BM with the goal of releasing it.

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