Nexon announced that the creator content creation contest ‘Creators Invitational 2021’ (hereinafter CI 2021), which was conducted through the newly developed metaverse platform ‘Project MOD’, completed a three-month journey and held the final awards ceremony on the 25th.

Nexon has been running the contest ‘CI 2021’, a contest to create your own world by selecting those interested in content creation as ‘Project MOD’ creators for three months from November last year. Participants created their own content using the development tools provided by the platform and released it within a set period of time.

The award ceremony to select the best works among the contents created with ‘CI 2021’ was held online with many creators on a special award stage decorated in ‘Project MOD’. Among the contents submitted during the contest, awards were given in five categories: ▲Grand Prize ▲Best Prize ▲Excellence Award ▲Encouragement Award ▲Communication Award according to screening criteria such as comprehensive planning performance, development completeness, and scalability.

At the awards ceremony, worlds with various concepts such as the mystery genre, board games, defense, and story games were selected as excellent works. Among them, ‘MOD Detective Office’ boasted a high degree of perfection, boasting a high level of perfection, including setting a background that stimulates the imagination, designing a quality internal map, and carefully planning the reasoning method, and won the grand prize.

“There are many ideas that have not been implemented yet, but we plan to continue developing the world by adding a story mode in the future,” said the creator of the world.

In addition, during the contest, Nexon actively cooperated with the participants and awarded the communication awards to creators who contributed to the creation of other people’s worlds. All winners of ‘CI 2021’ are provided with a prize money and an exemption from document screening when applying for a job in the ‘Project MOD’ development room.

At the end of the event, the creator invitation event ‘Get together! Project MOD’ was surprisingly revealed. In a way that participants in the ‘CI 2021’ contest can introduce ‘Project MOD’ to their acquaintances, they provide an invitation code. You will be able to jointly develop content or design a BM.

Director Shin Min-seok, who appeared as a unique avatar at the ‘CI 2021’ awards ceremony, said, “I sincerely thank everyone who participated in CI 2021 for a long time. It was a time to feel the creative ideas and passion of the creators.” said Also, he said, “We are preparing a lot of amazing things this year, so please look forward to it.”

Meanwhile, ‘Project MOD’ is a content creation and service platform newly introduced by Nexon, equipped with a professional production environment where everyone from ordinary people to professional developers can create their own world. The vast graphic assets of IP are provided free of charge within the platform, and a creative environment with a high degree of freedom to utilize UGC is supported.

Through ‘Project MOD’, Nexon plans to provide creative fun by directly realizing a world that could only be imagined.

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