Project RYU - 언리얼 엔진 5 인게임 그래픽 트레일러

A game trailer, which was released on YouTube in March, provoked a hot reaction. Ryu Production’s single-player RPG game ‘Project Ryu’ is the main character.

This game, which was highly evaluated for realistically expressing the beautiful side of Seoul, became a topic of discussion for the fact that it was made by six young developers in their early 20s while staying together.

Ryu Production announced on the 2nd that it had signed a business agreement with 3D Factory, a metaverse big tech company that is in charge of development in Seoul Metropolitan City Metaverse, which was opened as a pilot by the Seoul Institute of Technology. With this agreement, Ryu Production is expected to participate in the metaverse expansion of Seoul.

Russell, who represents Ryu Productions, said, “Korean landscapes have their own charm that makes you feel Korean no matter how you look at them. As there are no examples of hyper-realistic implementations, as a graphic artist, I wanted to express the beauty of Korea as much as I could.”

3D Factory president Oh Byung-gi said, “It is rather motivating and stimulating to collaborate with an indie development team such as Ryu Production, which has talent, a challenging spirit, and a clear direction.”

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