– Conjin One, expanded recruitment of evaluation committee members for support projects including new fields related to new technologies and convergence contents
– Continuing efforts to improve the evaluation and evaluation system for fair evaluation, including participation of various evaluation members
– Establishment of a system for granting additional points for evaluation of support projects to expand opportunities to participate in youth business projects

The Korea Creative Content Agency (President Hyun-rae Cho, hereinafter referred to as Konjinwon) is expanding and recruiting content support project evaluators to support the changing and expanding content industry. In addition, it is actively working to improve the system to expand opportunities for young companies in the content industry.

Conjinone has been recruiting evaluators at all times according to the characteristics of supporting businesses, such as games, broadcasting/movies, animations, characters, music/entertainment, finance/investment financing, and start-up support. This year, we are expanding the recruitment of experts in new technology related fields to respond to the expanding industrial environment by converging with technology. This is expected to further strengthen the professionalism and expandability of the evaluator pool.

◆ Recruitment of industry, academia, and media experts in each field such as game, broadcasting, anime, character, and music by the 20th of next month

Evaluation committee members are divided into ▲industry, ▲academia, ▲media, and ▲budget/financial fields. The industry must have at least 10 years of experience in content-related fields and have a doctoral degree in technology or equivalent experience. Academia requires experience equivalent to a full-time lecturer or higher in a related department with a two-year university or higher, and 10 years or more of experience in journalism and budget/financial related fields.

Other detailed qualification criteria can be checked on the Konjinwon website (www.kocca.kr), and any expert who meets the requirements can apply for registration as an evaluator through the website. Conjin One operates an intensive recruitment period from June 20 to July 20 for this recruitment of evaluation members.

Applicants for evaluator registration go through a deliberation process through the Conjinone Review & Evaluator Verification Committee, which consists of internal and external members, and approved experts can participate as evaluators in the selection and evaluation of support projects, etc.

◆ Operate a fairer and more reliable evaluation system by expanding the participation of various experts

Conjinone also reduces the number of annual evaluations per evaluator from 5 to 3 to avoid having one evaluator participate in multiple evaluations and to allow more experts to participate. The purpose is to further secure fairness and professionalism by institutionalizing the opinions of various experts so that they can be reflected in the evaluation.

Conjinone has prepared and followed procedures for fair and reliable selection evaluation. When the evaluation committee is formed, the fairness of selection and evaluation, such as ▲3 times random selection of candidates for evaluation members through the system from the pool of evaluation members, ▲exclusion of internal personnel from Conjin One evaluation committee members, ▲the fair evaluation officer system in which external lawyers are present to review the fairness of evaluation, etc. Efforts have been made to continuously improve. The reduction in the number of annual participation, introduced this year, is also a part of system improvement to enhance fairness.

◆ Promote the introduction of an additional point system for young companies to expand participation in youth companies

Meanwhile, in order to expand opportunities for youth companies in the content industry to participate, Conjin One introduces an additional point system for youth companies when selecting content support projects. The additional points system for young companies is a system that grants additional points to companies whose representatives or more than 80% of the participating workforce are young (under 34 years of age) when selecting and evaluating support projects. Detailed guidelines will be prepared.

Conjinwon President Cho Hyun-rae said, “Professionalism and fairness are the most basic and important elements that an institution must have for successful industrial support. We will continue to work hard to improve the system.”

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