– ‘Com2uS Mentoring School’, which helps prepare for careers in the game industry, is recruiting second- and third-year university students until February 5th.
– An incumbent in game planning and programming serves as a mentor, gives lectures, and even provides assistance in portfolio creation.
– Final successful applicants will participate in various offline programs at Com2uS headquarters for 5 days from February 19th to 23rd.

Com2uS (CEO Lee Joo-hwan) is recruiting participants for the first ‘Com2uS Mentoring School’, which helps college students set career paths.

‘Com2uS Mentoring School’ is a free education program that provides college students interested in the gaming industry with the opportunity to explore job positions in the game development field, and provides assistance by current Com2uS employees as mentors.

Com2uS is recruiting participants for the first ‘Com2uS Mentoring School’ by 11 a.m. on February 5 for game planning and client programming positions. Application for participation is done online, and any second or third year university student who has completed at least 4 but not more than 6 semesters can apply.

Participants selected through the announcement of successful candidates on February 13th will participate in various activities as current Com2uS employees and mentors and mentees for 5 days from February 19th to 23rd. College students who participate as mentees will be provided with various programs that are actually helpful to college students, such as job lectures, job experience, and portfolio creation, in an offline format at Com2uS headquarters.

Meanwhile, Com2uS has various programs to foster talent in the game industry, including the ‘Server Campus’, which provides server development education to those wishing to pursue a career as a game developer, and the ‘QA Campus’, which provides theory and practical training for people interested in QA jobs. We are carrying out various activities.

More detailed information about this ‘Com2uS Mentoring School’ recruitment can be found on the Com2uS recruitment blog, and 1:1 inquiries can also be made through KakaoTalk (ID: @Com2us Recruitment).

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