Gravity, a global game company, announced on the 19th that it had signed a global publishing contract for two indie games.

Through this publishing contract, Gravity plans to introduce EXLIX’s Shambles and SSUN GAMES’ Light Odyssey to global regions. Gravity plans to continuously release high-quality games by successfully launching two titles and establishing collaborative relationships with developers based on its headquarters and overseas branches’ extensive publishing experience and service know-how.

First, Shambles is a deck-building roguelike genre game created by EXLIX, a domestic developer. It adopts a turn-based battle method where you use skills and cards appropriate to the situation and tells the story of explorers coming out of a bunker and adventuring into a new world after the existing civilization was destroyed by nuclear war. It is characterized by the fact that the worldview changes depending on the main character’s choices, and various endings can be seen depending on the play method.

Light Odyssey is a boss rush action game developed by domestic developer SSUN GAMES. Gamers must battle and win against several bosses they encounter during their adventure to restore light to a world engulfed in the abyss. Light Odyssey was recognized for its game quality, beating the Gamescom Asia 2023 Creativity Award for its high-quality video graphics, delicate details, and emotionally stimulating sound. Gravity plans to exhibit Shambles and Light Odyssey on the particular page of the 2024 Taipei Game Show held on Steam.

Gravity business team leader Yoo Jun said, “Continuing from 2023, we have signed publishing contracts with two excellent indie games with novel genres and original stories in 2024,” adding, “We will continue to actively discover promising games at home and abroad to provide high-quality products to users.” “We will continue to work hard to showcase the game,” he said.

Meanwhile, the demo version of Shambles and the introduction of the Light Odyssey game can be found on each game’s Steam page, and the official release schedule will be announced later. In addition, titles currently in service or scheduled to be launched at Gravity headquarters and branches can be found on the Gravity official Steam page.

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