The ‘GXG 2023 Seongnam Game Culture Festival’, held on the 8th and 9th with various side events on a particular stage at the Pangyo Station Square, left a significant mark on the game industry in many ways.

During the GXG 2023 opening ceremony

Seongnam City has been holding a game culture festival through SeN (Seongnam e-Sports Festival) until 2022, where various groups such as game users, families, and citizens can communicate starting this year, the Seongnam Industry Promotion Agency, Game Culture Foundation, and Korea Game Industry, Together with the association GXG 2023.

Games are a vital content industry in Korea that generates exports of over 20 trillion won annually, and Seongnam/Pangyo, in particular, has a status worthy of being called a hub city for the gaming industry, responsible for about 10 trillion won of this. GXG 2023 has established itself as a symbolic event that conveys the cultural value of games to the 10,000 citizens who filled the square at Pangyo Station in Seongnam, the center of the game industry. In particular, the event was conducted by Mayor Shin Sang-jin himself, breaking away from the customary congratulatory address. He gave the opening speech and explained in detail the importance and value of the gaming industry in Seongnam and Pangyo, saying, “Starting from GXG 2023, Seongnam City will take on the role of a new gaming hub city that organically encompasses gaming culture.” He explained his strong will to foster the game culture industry by saying, “We will move toward Seongnam of Hope by incorporating cutting-edge technology, innovation, and the identity of culture and arts based on the 50-year history of games in Seongnam City and the Republic of Korea.”

Mayor Shin Sang-jin’s opening speech explained the games’ industrial status and cultural and artistic value.

In particular, this day’s event was held as a multicultural festival focusing on various elements of games, such as game exhibition events, music, story, art, design, humanities, and imagination, in line with the motto ‘Enjoy games and culture!’, and was held at Pangyo Station Square. A particular stage and booth were operated where guests could enjoy the opening ceremony, flea market, board game experience, and face painting, as well as additional programs, and at Pangyo Tech Center and Kakao Pangyo Azit, conferences, networking, and exhibition programs on various topics were held together to showcase the gaming experience. It became an event that presented a new vision that redefined cultural and artistic values.

We look forward to and support Seongnam City and the Republic of Korea as they go beyond the industrial status of games and create new future values for culture and art!

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