Hosted by Gyeonggi-do and hosted by Gyeonggi Content Agency and KINTEX, the largest convergence game show in the metropolitan area, the ‘2023 Play Expo (PlayX4)’ opened on the 11th.

On the 11th, Gyeonggi-do held the opening ceremony of Play Expo 2023 at KINTEX in Goyang City, attended by Deputy Governor Yeom Tae-young, Gyeonggi-do Council Vice Chairman Nam Gyeong-soon, members of the Economic and Labor Committee Eun-jung Ko, Seon-young Kim, Yong-wook Lee, and Seok-hun Jeon, and game association and game company executives.

‘Let’s enjoy the game! The 15th Play Expo 2023 will be held until the 14th with the theme of ‘Enjoy Game! Make Chance! is collecting.

At the opening ceremony, Deputy Governor Yeom Tae-young said, “The 15th Play Expo has grown into the largest game show in the metropolitan area, enjoyed by 100,000 people. We will provide opportunities for the whole family to enjoy, opportunities for growth for small and medium-sized game companies in the province, and opportunities for convergence where various game cultures harmonize and become one.” We will actively work to create a culture,” he said.

Following the opening of PlayX4, the opening ceremony of the Gyeonggi Esports Festival was also held. After deputy governor Yeom Tae-young declared the opening ceremony, he held a special match with Knee (real name Bae Jae-min), the world’s No. 1 player in Tekken, drawing attention.

Meanwhile, prior to the Opening Ceremony of Play Expo, Gyeonggi-do signed a business agreement with Neowiz Co., Ltd. – NHN Co., Ltd. – Korea Game Developers Association – Gyeonggi Content Agency to foster the game industry through support for sprout companies in the province. According to the agreement, Gyeonggi-do establishes a game industry development plan and provides administrative and financial support, and the agreement organizations promote cooperation projects to support the growth of promising game budding companies, game developer conferences, expansion of game educational content, and fostering game industry talent. made with

The Play Expo will be largely divided into an export conference (May 11-12, Hall 6) and an exhibition (May 11-14, Hall 7-8). New games of various game genres, such as arcade, indie, and PC/mobile, are introduced, centered on console games, and additional events that can be enjoyed by all ages, such as a coastal competition, a retro market, and a game culture talk together are also held.

In addition, the ‘Gyeonggi e-Sports Festival’ will be held simultaneously to provide a richer spectacle. In addition, at the export consultation center, 1:1 business matching between overseas buyers and small and medium-sized game companies and a special hall for promoting small and medium-sized businesses are operated to support SMEs’ overseas expansion.

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