Smilegate Future Lab (hereinafter ‘Future Lab’) announced on the 29th (Wednesday) that it had selected the 2nd indie game development scholarship team.

The scholarship team is selected in collaboration with Future Lab and Stove Indie, an indie game platform. Indie game creators are supported to continue to grow by forming a community centered on the scholarship team.

The competition rate for selection of this scholarship team was 5:1, and creators showed high interest. The selected scholarship team will conduct self-study related to indie game development as a team according to their goals and plans for the next two months. The contents learned in the study are shared with the Stove Indie community in the form of a study journal.

Participants in the scholarship team will also receive two Refresh Day grants. On Refresh Day, you can do activities that strengthen teamwork and gain insights, such as eating together with team members or watching game-related exhibitions. After completing the two-month program, a small scholarship is provided, and a scholarship certificate is issued.

Stove Indie is Smilegate’s indie game open platform and systematically supports the entire process from game development to post-launch. In the meantime, it has been operating various support programs for creators, such as ‘Wise Demo Life’ and ‘Funding Pack,’ contributing to the vitalization of the indie game creation ecosystem. The indie game development scholarship team selected this year following last year is one of them.

Meanwhile, Future Lab continues to support creators through the Smilegate Membership, which celebrated its 15th year this year, the Burning Beaver Indie Game & Culture Festival, and the IndieGo Indie Game Creation Contest. In particular, in cooperation with Stove Indie, it is taking the lead in creating an environment necessary for creation by providing necessary space, cost, and feedback to indie game creators.

“The Indie Game Development Scholarship Team will be able to experience growing as a creator by conducting various studies,” said Suk-Hyun Oh, Head of Future Lab. scheduled,” he said.

Stove Indie director Yeo Seung-hwan said, “I am looking forward to the results of prospective creators that will be accumulated in Stove Indie.”.

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