Smilegate Future Lab announced it is recruiting workers to participate in the indie game creation contest ‘2023 IndieGo’ until April 12th.

2023 Indigo is held for the purpose of discovering early indie game creative teams with potential and building a community through donations and lectures from indie game seniors and juniors. It is aimed at PC and mobile indie game development teams (individuals) seeking a variety of fun, and any indie game developer who has not yet released it to the platform can apply.

Sponsors for this contest are five indie game companies: Cane Games, The Bricks, Pepperstones, Refuel, and Keep Going. Team/game introductions and prototypes for each applied team (individual) will be comprehensively reviewed, and the game’s novelty, completeness, and fun will be evaluated with a focus.

The total prize money is KRW 12 million, and an interview opportunity for the 15th generation of Smilegate Membership (hereinafter referred to as SGM), a youth creative support program conducted by Future Lab, will be provided to all the investigative team members who have passed the document screening.

To apply for the contest, download the application form from the Future Lab website and apply online.

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