Shiftrick (CEO Choi Kyung-yeon) announced that it will conduct the 3rd open beta test of ‘Molang’s Dream Wardrobe’, which developed the popular character IP ‘Molang’ as a mobile game, from December 12 (Monday).

‘Molang’s Dream Wardrobe’ is a mobile game development of the domestic character IP ‘Molang’ exported as animation to 190 countries around the world. It is a story progression game that combines the puzzle genre with the coordination simulation genre .

This OBT will be held for a total of 14 days until December 25th (Sun). As the last test before the official launch, it is conducted through the Google Play Store and One Store, and anyone with a Google account can participate in the Google Play Store. In One Store, you can participate in the test through the beta game zone.

In this open beta test, the concept of Molrang’s growth was newly added, and the fun of using strategy and item combinations required for clearing an episode is newly introduced. In addition, a newly added episode, ‘Fairy Tale Land’, will be released, and a pop-up store and quest system where you can receive Molang’s actual goods will be unveiled for the first time.

Choi Gyeong-yeon, CEO of Shiftrick, said, “As this OBT was prepared by reflecting the opinions collected through the last 2nd OBT, we will listen to the feedback and opinions of testers and complete the game.” We will prepare for service,” he said.

More detailed information on how to participate in the open beta test of ‘Molrang’s Dream Wardrobe’ and development news can be found on Naver’s official cafe.

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