Now that global expansion has become a necessity, not an option, after COVID-19, the ‘2022 Game Content Emerging Market Open Forum’ will be held in Pangyo on December 6 (Tuesday) to learn about strategies for global expansion that Korean small and medium-sized and indie game industries should prepare. It is held at the 2nd Techno Valley Corporate Support Hub.

Hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and the Korea Creative Content Agency, and supervised by the Korea Mobile Game Association, this forum shares successful strategies for entering emerging markets to restore the ecosystem of the game industry, which has collapsed due to the polarization between large and small game companies, and explores overseas markets. It has been held since 2017 to ultimately rekindle the new fever of innovation in the Korean game industry by accelerating the overseas expansion of the game industry through local prospects and new market development through pioneering examples.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, this seminar, which has been conducted only as an online lecture, will be held as a non-face-to-face seminar for the first time in three years since 2019. Expert lectures and Q&A on investment, marketing, game development, etc., will be held to provide know-how and future trends.

A special global expert accompanies the opening speech. Royal O’Brien, who is in charge of the ‘Linux Open3D Foundation’ established for the development and development of ‘3D open source’ under the Linux Foundation in 2021, introduces [the global game industry and open source ecosystem] through a video do. Royal O’Brien is a business and engineering veteran with more than 30 years of experience in the video game industry. He also worked for Amazon as a game tech. The importance of open 3D sources and global industry trends will be introduced through the video.

Then, six experts continue their lectures based on each point. ▲ First, in the field of ‘Global Trend’, senior researcher Kim Bong-chae of Strabase will learn about global trends in 2022 through [Global Game Industry Issue Keywords] and point out global issues that will hit 2023. Strabase is a monthly digital industry trend analysis magazine that provides the latest global trends and hot issues and is in charge of publishing the ‘Global Game Industry Trend’ issued monthly by the Korea Creative Content Agency.

▲ Next, in the field of ‘investment’, a lecture on [Investment status and preparation for investment in the game industry] will be given by Hyung-taek Park, managing director of Smart Study Ventures, a venture capital subsidiary of Smart Study, which developed the global children’s and children’s brand ‘Pinkfong’. Through a lecture, Managing Director Park Hyung-taek will introduce matters to be prepared for and cautions for attracting domestic and global investment from game manufacturers. ▲ Another point to keep in mind when entering the global market is the [Global App Growth Strategy for 2023] by Kim Hong-Sik, Pan Asia General Manager of ‘Liftoff’, which recently underwent a rebranding. After merging with the global mobile app advertising monetization platform ‘Vungle’ on August 21, Liftoff unified its mission into Liftoff and is being reborn as the world’s largest mobile app growth acceleration platform. Through a lecture, General Manager Kim Hong-Shik introduces marketing monetization strategies to grow in the global market in 2023. Next, two experts in the field of ‘game development’ are together.

▲Grampus CEO Kim Ji-in prepares to enter the global market through the 7-year development story of ‘Cooking Adventure’, a time management cooking game that has reached 25 million downloads worldwide under the theme of [Cooking Adventure from Web 2 to Web 3!] We will meet with the officials. Next, ▲ Gong Jun-sik, CEO of ‘Super Percent’, a hyper-casual game developer, will give a lecture on [Hyper-casual game global market trend and business]. Supercent is a game development and publishing company specializing in the hyper-casual field and plans to introduce Supercent’s unique game development know-how and publishing know-how with the potential of recording 60 million downloads in one year.

Subsequently, as a special lecturer, Hyun Ho-jin, CEO of ‘Bucket Play’, participated in the ‘Emerging Markets Open Forum’s global online review show held in the first and second half of 2022 and received feedback from overseas experts [Swing Dunk Development Period: Constant Polishing] Based on various advice obtained through the Emerging Markets Open Forum, we plan to disclose the development period and know-how to prepare for global game services.

After the lecture, there will be a panel discussion and real-time Q&A. With Game Donga reporter Jo Hak-dong as the moderator, participants will have real-time Q&A and time to listen to experts’ opinions on global trends in 2023.

You can apply for this forum in advance through the meeting site ‘Onoff Mix’ homepage. Various prize events will be held through a lottery among participants who have pre-registered and those who have left questions about global advancement. For pre-registration for the seminar, search for ‘Emerging Market Open Forum’ on the Onoffmix website or access it through the site link. Information about the seminar will also be disclosed through the SNS of the Korea Mobile Game Association and Korea Creative Content Agency.

For inquiries about the Emerging Market Open Forum, please contact the Korea Mobile Game Association Secretariat.

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