The indie game platform ‘Stove Indy’, operated by Smilegate Stove (CEO Han Young-Woon), announced on the 13th that it will exclusively release ‘Mungyeong Saejae’, a 2D side-scrolling action game developed by Team Etou (CEO Lee Si-on), a domestic indie game developer. Thursday) said. ‘Stove Indie’ is also holding an unprecedented discount event to commemorate the exclusive release of ‘Mungyeong Saejae’.

‘Mungyeong Saejae’ is a 2D side-scrolling action game set in the Joseon Dynasty, when the Imjin War ended. It is the story of a scholar who sets out on a road to rectify a country in chaos after the war.

The game features a stylish action centered on the ‘bow’, a weapon that symbolizes the Joseon Dynasty, which is difficult to experience in action games, as well as the realization of existing weapons in the Joseon Dynasty, such as Victory Chongtong and Hwando. In addition, the unique story based on local folk tales, such as the story of General Kim Se-geun, a mercenary commander during the Imjin War, and various stages and attack movements add to the fun of the game.

‘Stove Indie’ is holding an unprecedented discount promotion and event to commemorate the exclusive release of ‘Mungyeong Saejae’. First, ‘Mungyeong Saejae’, which can only be found on ‘Stove Indie’, can be purchased at a 50% discount until the 26th (Wednesday). In addition, if you apply for the event after purchasing the game, you will receive a ‘Mungyeong Saejae’ illustration mug pad, and if you follow Stove Indy’s official Twitter account and leave a reply to the event tweet, you will receive a ‘Mungyeong Saejae’ illustration mug through a lottery.

“Since it is a game set in the Joseon Dynasty, we applied a serious historical examination of the situation and weapons at the time,” said Lee Si-on, CEO of Team Etou, the developer of ‘Mungyeong Saejae’. announced the release.

Smilegate Stove Director Yeo Seung-hwan said, “I am very happy that Stove Indy can showcase a unique game set in the Joseon Dynasty, such as ‘Mungyeong Saejae’. said

For more information on ‘Mungyeong Saejae’, the exclusive release of ‘Stove Indy’, please visit the Stove Indie page .

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