On the afternoon of the 28th (Wednesday), the indie game platform ‘Stove Indy’, an indie game platform operated by Smilegate Stove (CEO Han Young-woon), will broadcast a live broadcast with the developer of the indie game Wetory who participated in its creator support program ‘Wise Demo Life’. He said it was done at 8 o’clock.

‘Wise Demo Life’ is a representative creative support program of ‘Stove Indie’ that has been ongoing for many years. By connecting creators and indie game users who are about to release a game, users can participate in game development and developers can receive direct feedback from users. Users can play the game before release and report bugs, as well as give advice on the concept or perfection of the game directly to the developer.

‘Stove Indie’ will hold a live broadcast with the developer of ‘Wetory’, a 3D roguelike game participating in ‘Wise Demo Life’, on the 28th (Wednesday) to support more diverse and faster communication between various users and developers. .

The indie game Wetory is a highly anticipated game, winning the University Special Award in the IGDC 2021 Production Division, the Popularity Award at the 22nd Room Indie Game Show, and being selected as a Global Indie Selection by Gamescom in 2022. Rather than directly attacking, the unique play method of attacking and evading through the interaction with the paint footprints and tile maps that come out while moving has attracted the attention of wise demo life participants.

Pepperstones (CEO Ha-Young Ha), the developer of ‘Wetory’, is from the 13th generation of Smilegate Future Lab’s representative support program, Smilegate Membership (SGM), which helps creators to challenge and grow in game development. are in a relationship

In this live broadcast, Pepper Stones CEOs Ha-Young Ha and Hyun-Soon Choi participated and plan to share various stories about the game with users based on the feedback they received during their wise demo life. In addition, there will be an event to give generous gifts to live broadcast viewers, including the Best Feedback Award, where the developer directly picks the best feedback.

The live broadcast can be found on the Stove Indie YouTube channel, and details about the Wise Demo Life program can be found on the related bulletin board.

Meanwhile, the next program of Stove Indy’s ‘Wise Demo Life’ will be held for about a month from October 11 (Tuesday). The works participating in the Wisdom Demo Life in October include ‘Catch My Color’, which solves puzzles by coloring Korean landmarks in black and white, and ‘Fake Heart’, an interactive visual novel armed with unique black and white artwork and a scenario of 200,000 characters. is going on

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