Epic Games Korea (CEO Park Seong-cheol) announced on the 25th that it will participate in the Busan Indie Connect Festival 2022 (hereinafter BIC Festival 2022) to be held at the Busan Port International Convention Center from September 1.

The BIC Festival is the largest indie game festival in Korea held every year since 2015. Epic Games will participate as a sponsor for 8 years from the first event to this year.

Epic Games will also hold a session at a conference within the BIC Festival 2022. In the session of Epic Games, which was held on September 2nd under the theme of ‘The Future of Next-Generation Content Creation’, changes and innovations in content creation methods through real-time 3D rendering of Unreal Engine in all industries are being integrated, and changes in future production methods. will be dealt with on the

Meanwhile, you can enjoy indie games developed with Unreal Engine at the Epic Games booth in BIC Festival 2022. Exhibited games include ‘Hit!’ by Neverland, ‘My Precious’ by Team Toaster, and ‘Undertaker’ by the Unison Mountaineer, which are provided free of charge online and offline during the event period.

Epic Games Korea CEO Park Seong-cheol said, “Epic Games is participating in the BIC Festival as a sponsor for the eighth consecutive year this year. We hope that you will enjoy various indie games developed with Unreal Engine at this BIC Festival, held both online and offline at the same time, and also participate in Epic Games’ sessions that anticipate the future of next-generation content creation. Please,” he said.

More information about BIC Festival 2022 and Epic Games sessions can be found on the BIC Festival website.

인디게임닷컴 편집부

We will create the future of Korean indie games for the global No.1 game powerhouse. #Since2003