– Recruitment of 4th trainees from the 18th… Systematic curriculum including in-depth education by major and team project
– Achieved 75% employment rate in the first semester and successfully produced 130 trainees including winning game competitions
As Korea’s best game manpower nurturing institution, spur to the nurturing and supply of high-quality professional manpower

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (Minister Park Bo-gyun) and the Korea Creative Content Agency (Director Cho Hyeon-rae, hereafter referred to as Konjin-won) will recruit the 4th grade trainees of the Game Talent Center, which has been operating since 2019, to nurture core talents with practical skills in the game field on the 18th. It was announced on the 11th that it will be recruiting from the 29th.

◆ Recruitment of 65 trainees for the 4th term… Systematic curriculum such as education for each major and team project

The Game Human Resources department selects a total of 65 students from the 4th semester in three majors: ▲Game Planning Department (15 people) ▲Game Art Department (20 people) ▲Game Programming Department (30 people).

Anyone with a passion for the game field can apply regardless of their academic background or major. Applicants are finally selected at the end of August through the first document evaluation and the second preschool screening based on the program, and will participate in the full-fledged curriculum from September.

The Game Talent Center has been registered as a lifelong education facility approved by the Ministry of Education, and is operated with full-time, free education for a total of 2 years and 8 semesters. In the first year, in-depth education by major, and in the second year, the curriculum is structured as a team project centered on practical work, along with instructors made up of experts with high practical skills in the game industry, providing practical ability-centered education.

◆ A total of 130 trainees over the past 3 years… Achievements such as early employment in the industry and awards in competitions

Since its opening in September 2019, the Game Human Resources Institute has produced a total of 130 trainees with the goal of ‘nurturing 1% core talent who will lead the Korean game industry’ is showing tangible results.

Yanghwan Lee, Head of Game Headquarters at Conjinwon, said, “The Game Human Resources Institute is making efforts in various ways to supply professional manpower oriented to the game industry. We will do our best to operate high-quality educational programs, such as developing a curriculum that reflects the

Meanwhile, more detailed information about the recruitment of game talents for the 4th semester can be found through the notice posted on the Conjinwon website (www.kocca.kr).

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