‘Out of Index 2021’, a festival of ‘experimental games’ that breaks away from the stereotypes of existing games, will be held from 1pm on December 11th.

OOI, which begins in 2014 and celebrates its 7th year this year, is centered on games that have tried new experiments that are not included in the existing definition, and will be conducted online in consideration of the corona pandemic situation this year. .

This time OOI 2021 will be held from 1 PM to 10 PM on December 11th and will be broadcast on YouTube and Twitch during the event. The broadcast time is 1 pm (live broadcast) and 6 pm (rebroadcast), and the following events are scheduled.

  • Description video of the selected works and video interview with the developer
  • Game review talk with game researchers
  • Game streaming to play the selections for yourself

In addition, through the online event platform Swapcard, you can access the online booths of each exhibitor during the event time, chat with developers and chat about games, and interact with other visitors who have accessed the online exhibition hall. .

Participants who access the online booth of each game can play the game remotely using the remote access service Parsec. Two game access links will be provided per exhibition, and up to 20 people can access each link in real time to experience the game in order according to the progress of the remote booth management team.

The organizer of the OOI event said, “As the name suggests, this event, which has no space restrictions, is a new challenge for the planning team, who has been thinking about filling the exhibition hall with cool space design and fresh concept every year. OOI will not only be a festival of experimentation, but also a festival where existence itself is an experiment.”

game name developer
Ord. Mujo Games & Stuffed Wombat
PairPlay Left Right Studios Inc
SCHiM Ewoud van der Werf
Soulbound Benjamin Soulé
Storyteller Daniel Benmergui, Jeremias Babini, Zypce
Toodee and Topdee dietzribi

More detailed information related to the Out of Index 2021 event can be found on the official website .

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