4Days announced that it had officially released its 3D action rogue-like game ‘Sentimental K’ through Steam and Stove on January 18th after early access.

‘Sentimental K’ is a 3D action rogue-like game with dynamic action, a unique boss, and synergy between weapons, skills, and artifacts. You have to find and conquer the stage while enjoying the battle and action.

‘Sentimental K’ received a ‘very positive’ user evaluation on Steam during the Early Access period, and has been well received by many gamers, including being selected as one of the 5 most played games in the last month on Stove Indie.

In the official release version, you can see a lot of enhancements compared to Early Access, such as the addition of various contents including 5 new bosses, weapon system that enhances randomness, art and sound improvement, etc.

4Days CEO Lee Dong-min said, “During the early access period, reviews, bug reports, support, and feedback from many users have been a great help, and I want to say thank you for that.” I put a lot of effort into enhancing the core fun of the game, so I hope you enjoy ‘Sentimental K’.”

More details about the official release of ‘Sentimental K’ can be found on the official Steam page and the official Stove page .

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