Smilegate Stove announced on the 20th that its indie game platform ‘Stove Indie’ has produced and published an infographic that combines information on various support achievements made to create a healthy indie game ecosystem last year.

Stove Indy built a systematic support program to provide comprehensive support for the development of the game ecosystem, from preliminary creators to user testing for indie game developers, and marketing/sales of released games.

The ‘Indie Game Scholarship Team’ and ‘Online Game Jam’ to support prospective creators were conducted in cooperation with the Future Lab of Smilegate Hope Center. We have prepared a variety of programs for college students who have aspirations.

In addition, Stove Indy supported game deliberation to support the release of indie developers, and game experts completed the Koreanization and localization work together. For games released on Stove Indie, customized marketing for each game was supported, and events by season and theme were held to double the fun of the game.

Specifically, in relation to support for preliminary creators, Stove Indy, in cooperation with Future Lab, selected an ‘Indie Game Scholarship Team’ and supported a total of 15 teams, 61 participants, and recorded 115 study journals. In addition, ‘Online Game Jam’ was held for a total of 6 times, and 366 participants developed 71 games. Stove Indie also supported the ‘2021 Blue Chronicle’ and released a total of 11 games online, recording more than 200 user feedbacks and more than 2,000 downloads, empowering prospective college students.

The ‘Wise Demo Life’ to support indie game development has been held eight times since April 2021. A total of 21 games met with 1,312 ‘chicken’ indie game fans, leaving a record of 3,045 reviews and 4,947 cumulative live communication that can be helpful in game development.

Significant achievements were also recorded in localization support, such as Korean translation and deliberation support for domestic release of overseas games. There are a total of 37 games that have been translated into Korean for the year of 2021, and 58 games are currently in the process of being translated into Korean. In addition, efforts have been made to provide a variety of game experiences for Korean gamers, with a total of 100 games supported by the Game Management Committee.

Finally, customized marketing and events were conducted on behalf of developers who released games on Stove Indie. Through this, there were 20 creator collaborations, and the number of game purchases made through the ‘One Day Pick’ event held for Korean indie support recorded a total of 6,733 cases, and 339 users received gifts through the event.

Smilegate Stove CEO Han Young-woon said, “Smilegate Stove strengthens support activities for indie creators and plans to focus the company’s capabilities on discovering better programs. We will do our best to support an environment where you can focus on game development.”

For more information about Stove Indie, please visit the Stove Indie page. In addition, developers who want to participate in the Stove Indie support program can receive detailed information on support details by contacting Stove Indie by email (

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