Devolver Digital, a global indie game distributor, unveiled ‘McPixel 3’, the latest work of MacPixel developed by ‘Sos Sosowski’, a mad scientist in the game world on February 18th Korean time. did.

‘MacPixel 3’ is set on a journey to save the world of an aspiring hero, who gets caught up in a completely new, crazy situation. McPixel averts the crisis by summoning a Spider-Billionaire, putting a BBQ in his pants, and smashing a tyrannosaurus into space in an absurd and fresh havoc.

‘MacPixel 3’ is not only armed with ‘real madness’ with pure intentions rather than fake madness that induces unusual forced laughter from its predecessor, but also has the visuals of a retro pixel game from the 80s to properly stimulate the mind of ‘Gemzal’. evaluated as crystals.

The singularity of this series is that there are more than 100 stages, more than 900 gag elements, more than 1,500 reactions and more than 20 minigames mobilizing every genre imaginable. And it boasts overwhelming optimization that runs on ‘Grandma’s Computer’. In addition, ‘MacPixel 3’, which will be officially released, will be released in Korean.

The latest news about this game using 258,924,600 pixels can be found on Devolver Digital’s official Twitter and MacPixel’s official website .

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