Seongnam City announced the progress and future plans of the ‘Asia Silicon Valley Seongnam Project’ through an online municipal government briefing on the 24th.

This year, the 3rd year of the project, the city will focus on five projects: ▲ specialization of the Pangyo area ▲ creation of an innovative industrial ecosystem ▲ establishment of a Seongnam-type bio-health belt ▲ specialization of system semiconductor fabless ▲ creation of a cultural and artistic city.

First, the ‘Pangyo region-specialized project’ will be launched in earnest to make Pangyo a mecca of game contents that harmonizes culture.

Starting with the designation of ‘Seongnam Pangyo Game and Contents Special Zone’ in the 1st and 2nd Techno Valleys of Pangyo and Jeongja-dong Kin Tower in April last year, the current area of 626 Sampyeong-dong has a total of 485 seats (413 seats in the main stadium, 72 seats in the auxiliary stadium). The ‘e-sports stadium’ under construction is expected to open in the second half of 2024.

By the end of this year, you can also see the ‘Pangyo Contents Street’ that is being built on the 750m section of the central passage of the 1st Techno Valley in Pangyo, and build smart tourism infrastructure and contents that match Pangyo, the game and IT industry mecca.

The Seongnam Global Convergence Center, a public knowledge industry center that will be completed this month in Pangyo 2nd Techno Valley, Siheung-dong, Sujeong-gu, provides comprehensive information on corporate support, expert consulting, and global marketing and commercialization to 67 resident companies.

In addition, ▲Expansion of Seongnam Startup Center (to 13 centers including Seongnam Wirye Startup Center and Seongnam High-Tech Valley Startup Center) ▲Expansion of infrastructure to support startups (intellectual property startup promotion project, voucher project, startup road day project, etc.) ▲ Working capital loan support with preferential guarantee for special appearances (up to KRW 500 million) ▲ Supply of 1,059 public rental housing units in Soho-type residential cluster ▲ Seongnam Venture Fund KRW 399.7 billion ▲ Attracting excellent companies (Midas IT, HP Printing Korea, etc.), etc. Through intensive discovery of promising start-ups and support for start-up activities, Seongnam is a good place to start a business in name and reality.

Gwangho Joo, Asia Silicon Valley Manager, said, “Like the process that has a great impact on the city mentioned in Richard Williams’ , a city is not static or static, but a dynamic space that constantly flows, changes and moves.” He said, “Seongnam City is a creative city where the people-centered culture of ‘People are fundamental and the model’ and the high-tech industry converge, and will go one step further as a base for the Society network that creates, creates, and experiments technological advances.” .

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