Indie game developers at home and abroad are interested in participating in the ‘2022 Indiecraft’ virtual game show, a global indie game festival.

Hosted by Seongnam City and co-hosted by Seongnam Industry Promotion Agency and Korea Mobile Game Association, ‘2022 Indiecraft’ is a global indie game contest that has been promoted since 2017.

The event was started to discover small and medium-sized indie game developers with creative ideas and excellent game production technology, and support sustainable commercialization to foster innovative games that will lead the global game industry and contribute to the creation of a healthy game ecosystem.

Last year, ‘Indicraft’, which received great acclaim for hosting the first online virtual game show using the metaverse in Korea, plans to show the development of the upgraded metaverse platform ‘Ditoland’. By creating an environment that can be accessed not only by PC but also by mobile, it has been prepared for easy access not only domestically but also by global users and game industry officials.

In addition to the opportunity to participate in the online virtual game show, additional support such as one-on-one mentoring, operation of an expert review group composed of game experts, and support for a total of 400 million won in prize money and commercialization support are also moving the hearts of indie game developers. In particular, the commercialization subsidy allowed the selected developer to directly use it in the desired field.

In addition, leading domestic and foreign game industry affiliates such as One Store, Xsolla, Megazone Cloud, and Netmarble are continuing to support the development of the small and medium-sized game industry in Korea.

An official from the Korea Mobile Game Association said, “Inquiries from developers who want to participate in the online virtual game show, as well as inquiries from companies who want to sponsor for social contribution to support indie games are continuing.”

This ‘2022 Indiecraft’, which will become a global indie game festival, is accepting entries until the 14th. Recruitment-related notices and submission forms can be downloaded from the online meeting site Onoffmix , and can also be found by searching for ‘Indicraft’ in the search bar.

For other sponsorship and event related inquiries, please contact the Korea Mobile Game Association (070-8680-6477) or email (

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