Seoul Industry Promotion Agency (SBA) discovers excellent game contents through expert diagnosis of each field of game contents under development, and in cooperation with partners in each field, provides participating companies in the ‘2022 game contents production support’ project to provide step-by-step support from production to release. said to be recruiting.

As an industry leading content export, this project, which is being conducted for the purpose of creating excellent game success cases through domestic game content production support with a high probability of success, is accepting applications until 17:00 on Thursday, May 26.

The target of support is game companies located in Seoul within 7 years of establishment based on the business registration certificate, and simple distributors without development ability are excluded.

This time, the support project is In the case of production support, a development subsidy of 25 million won per episode for the five final selected game companies In the marketing support section, 10 companies will be selected, and 20 million won in domestic and overseas marketing subsidies and consulting support will be provided per episode. A total of KRW 130 million in additional support will also be provided to the five excellent films.

In addition, Naver cloud service support (3,600,000 won in credit for 1 year) and free game development software support (game chat and game report for 6 months) are provided, and you can get a fee discount when you introduce the Xsolla payment system.

In particular, the final selection company will be linked with the Seoul Game Contents Center’s occupancy space, test equipment, and follow-up support. To this end, SBA will continue to support after the release of selected works in cooperation with companies in various fields such as Smilegate Stove, One Store, Now Dodge, Wadiz, Tumblbuck, and SPP. It also supports online and offline publicity.

Applications for this project can be made online through the website of the Seoul Industry Promotion Agency (notice → project application) until 17:00 on Thursday, May 26. For more information, please contact the person in charge of the SBA Game Industry Team (02-3455-8383,

[Go to Seoul Industry Promotion Agency (SBA) business announcement page]

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