An educational program was opened for citizens of Gyeonggi-do that contains the know-how of nurturing creators of Sandbox, a digital entertainment company in the MCN industry.

Sandbox Network announced on the 22nd that it was selected as the operator of the ‘2022 Gyeonggi One Creator Academy’, a project supervised by Gyeonggi Province and the Gyeonggi Content Agency, and will operate an educational program with four riders for each course.

The training course consists of a total of three courses: ▲ an introductory class for , a beginner class for , and ▲ a short-term competency building class for .

From the 20th to the 18th of July, a total of 120 people for the first and second semesters of the introductory class and the beginner class are being recruited. Recruitment capacity is 35 per grade of beginner class and 25 per grade of beginner class, and the target audience is Gyeonggi-do residents over 14 years of age who own a channel, or students on leave or leave of absence in Gyeonggi-do, as well as business owners and incumbents.

In the introductory/beginner course, which is conducted through online VOD and live education, a dedicated sandbox training team and instructors will provide practical and systematic lectures from the basics of shooting and editing to content trends, copyright and common sense of taxation.

Excellent students are provided with special privileges such as the opportunity to tour the sandbox network. The training fee is free for all students, and the deposit of 100,000 won is fully refunded when 70% or more of the training is completed.

Team leader Baek Seung-won of the Sandbox Education Division said, “Based on the know-how of the sandbox, we have prepared a variety of lecture topics that allow you to start creating videos from the basics. .

Detailed announcements and application methods for the 2022 Gyeonggi One Creator Academy program can be found on the notice board education and event bulletin board on the website of the Gyeonggi Content Promotion Agency.

Meanwhile, in August, the short-term competency strengthening class, which can receive intensive help through offline special lectures, and the 3rd and 4th semesters of introductory and beginner classes will be recruited.

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