[독점] 몽환적인 지하세계에서 반요 퇴마사가 되어 떠나는 모험! 메트로배니아 2D 액션 어드벤처, 염라환생기 : 동백전

Stove Indy announced on the 24th that it will officially release the 2D side-scrolling action game ‘Yeomna Reincarnation: Camellia’ developed by Catnip Studio (CEO Kim Ji-hwan), a domestic indie game developer.

‘Yeomna Reincarnation: Dongbaekjeon’ is a 2D side-scrolling Metroidvania game based on a traditional Korean story. It features oriental painting-style graphics and characters that newly interpret materials familiar to domestic users, such as various traditional ghosts and food in Korea.

The gamer becomes ‘Dongbaek’, an exorcist who received a mission from ‘Yamra’, the manager of the underworld, and must defeat the monster using a sword and gun. In addition, you can enjoy the personality of the Metroidvania genre by using the cat transformation element.

‘Stove Indie’ will introduce ‘Reincarnation Reincarnation: Dongbaekjeon’ 4 weeks earlier than Steam, the global game platform, through the “Stove ONLY” promotion. In addition, to commemorate the release of ‘Yeomna Reincarnation: Camellia Jeon’, a 20% discount coupon will be provided until July 7 (Thu), and an additional 10% cashback coupon will be provided to all buyers.

Jihwan Kim, CEO of Catnip Studios, said, “’Yeomna Reincarnation: Dongbaekjeon’ is the first PC game introduced by Catnip Studios. As a new developer, there are some shortcomings, but I did my best to develop it, so I hope you enjoy it.”

You can find more information about ‘Yeomra Reincarnation: Dongbaekjeon’ on the Stove Indie page .

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