■ Submit by the 26th (Friday) of this month… 15 startup teams consisting of two or more people selected
■ Full support with customized programs such as office space, expert mentoring, and investment attraction opportunities

Smilegate Orange Planet Startup Foundation (from now on referred to as ‘Orange Planet,’ Center Director Sangbong Seo) announced on the 1st (Monday) that it would begin regular recruitment in the second half of 2024.

Preliminary and early startups consisting of teams of two or more people are targets for regular recruitment in the second half of the year. Startups that want to apply can submit an application form on the Orange Planet website. The deadline is Friday, the 26th of this month.

There are 15 starting teams. Ten teams will be selected for the Orange Garden program, and five will be selected for the Orange Farm program. Orange Garden is aimed at prospective entrepreneurs and teams that need support for their initial business models. Orange Farm selects teams that require full-scale business advancement and attract initial investment.

Orange Planet provides office space to the Orange Garden selection team for six months. We also offer 1:1 close coaching with experts in each field and workshops for business advancement at each stage. Teams that receive excellent evaluations will be given commercialization support funds and an opportunity to review investments.

The Orange Farm selection team will be provided office space for 12 months and invested up to 200 million won. We also offer investment opportunities in connection with venture capital (VC) mentoring and private investment-led technology start-up support (TIPS) to attract follow-up investment.

In addition, various benefits are provided to all selected teams, including senior entrepreneur mentoring and family startup networking.

Orange Planet selected 10 Orange Garden teams and 6 Orange Farm teams through regular recruitment in the first half of this year. Among these, Smilegate Investment has either invested directly in six teams or is considering investing in them.

Orange Planet Center Director Seo Sang-bong said, “We plan to select early-stage startups with innovative and good business items and fully support them with customized programs,” and added, “We ask for the interest and support of young entrepreneurs who want to receive systematic and continuous support from Orange Planet.”

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